====== Adobe Flash ActiveX & Plugin All in One Script ======
Used the Scripts for Adobe Flash installation by Der-Matze as the starting point.
Improved it so that just one script is necessary and a product property is used to decide if it should be installed for IE or other browsers.
Tested with opsi 4.0.1 \\
Tested with opsi-winst \\
Tested with Windows 7 Professional 32 and 64 Bit \\
Installation Script for Adobe Flash ActiveX with custom settings file \\
Uninstallation Script for Adobe Flash ActiveX Versions \\
The .ins files will be placed in the default directories. The product property has to be added to the file OPSI/control or at the creation of the new package.
The installation files can be downloaded from: http://www.adobe.com/special/products/flashplayer/fp_distribution3.html (You may need to apply for a distribution license!) \\
Note: settings.sol can be found in "%UserProfileDir%\Anwendungsdaten\Macromedia\Flash Player\macromedia.com\support\flashplayer\sys\" and customized via Control Panel\Flash Player. You might have to run the configuration in the Control Panel before the file is created.\\
==== Install.ins ====
;Standard Text, der während der Installation angezeigt wird
Message = Bitte warten, das Produkt wird installiert
;Loglevel einstellen
setLogLevel = 6
;Bei Fehlern abbrechen
ExitOnError = false
;Syntax Fehler werden in einem separaten Fenster angezeigt
ScriptErrorMessages = on
;Single-Step Mode nicht verwenden
TraceMode = off
;Im Batchmode das Winst-Fenster nicht im Vordergrund anzeigen
StayOnTop = false
;Variable für die Ermittlung des Betriebssystems
DefVar $OS$
set $OS$ = GetOS
;Variable für die Ermittlung der Betriebssystem Unterversion
DefVar $NTVersion$
set $NTVersion$ = GetNTVersion
;Variable zur Ermittlung der Systemarchitektur
DefVar $SystemType$
Set $SystemType$ = GetSystemType
;Name des Produkts (max. 12 Zeichen)
DefVar $ProductName$
Set $ProductName$ = "Adobe Flash"
;Vollständiger Produktname incl. Versionsnummer
DefVar $ProductNameFull1$
set $ProductNameFull1$ = "Adobe Flash Plugin"
;Dateiname des Produktbildes mit Erweiterung
DefVar $ProductPicture$
Set $ProductPicture$ = "Adobe Flash.png"
;Selektiert, ob ActiveX oder Plugin installiert werden soll
DefVar $BrowserType$
DefVar $Executable1$
DefVar $Executable2$
Set $BrowserType$ = GetProductProperty("browsertype","ActiveX")
;Dateinamen der zu installierenden MSI-Pakete
if ($BrowserType$ = "ActiveX")
Set $Executable1$ = "install_flash_player_11_active_x_32bit.msi"
Set $Executable2$ = "install_flash_player_11_active_x_64bit.msi"
Set $Executable1$ = "install_flash_player_11_plugin_32bit.msi"
Set $Executable2$ = "install_flash_player_11_plugin_64bit.msi"
;Die Variable zur Auswertung des ExitCodes
DefVar $ExitCode$
;Prüfen der Winst Version
requiredWinstVersion >= "4.11"
;$ProductPicture$ und $ProductName$ anzeigen
ShowBitmap /3 "%scriptpath%\" + $ProductPicture$ $ProductName$
;Anzeigen der Installationsbenachrichtigung incl. des vollen Produktnamens
Message "Installiere "+$ProductNameFull1$
;Freien Speicherplatz ermitteln
if not (HasMinimumSpace ("%SYSTEMDRIVE%", "500 MB"))
LogError "Nicht genügend Platz auf %SYSTEMDRIVE%"
;OS-Version ermitteln
if ( $NTVersion$ = "Win2K" OR $NTVersion$ = "WinXP" OR $NTVersion$ = "Win NT 5.2" OR $NTVersion$ = "Windows Vista" )
if $SystemType$ = "x86 System"
sub "%ScriptDrive%\install\check_exitcode\check_msi-exitcode.ins"
if $SystemType$ = "64 Bit System"
sub "%ScriptDrive%\install\check_exitcode\check_msi-exitcode.ins"
if ( $NTVersion$ = "Win2K" OR $NTVersion$ = "WinXP" OR $NTVersion$ = "Win NT 5.2" )
Files_Copy_AllUsers_WinNT5x /AllNTUserProfiles
if ( $NTVersion$ = "Windows Vista" )
Files_Copy_AllUsers_WinNT6x /AllNTUserProfiles
LogError "Kein kompatibles Betriebssystem installiert"
msiexec /i "%SCRIPTPATH%\$Executable1$" /qb-! reboot=reallysuppress
msiexec /i "%SCRIPTPATH%\$Executable2$" /qb-! reboot=reallysuppress
;Konfigurationsdatei in alle Userprofile kopieren
copy -s "%SCRIPTPATH%\settings.sol" "%UserProfileDir%\Anwendungsdaten\Macromedia\Flash Player\macromedia.com\support\flashplayer\sys\"
;Konfigurationsdatei in alle Userprofile kopieren
copy -s "%SCRIPTPATH%\settings.sol" "%UserProfileDir%\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\macromedia.com\support\flashplayer\sys\"
==== Uninstall.ins ====
;Standard Text, shown during installation
Message = Bitte warten, das Produkt wird Deinstalliert
;Set Loglevel
setLogLevel = 6
;Stop when errors
ExitOnError = false
;Syntax Fehler are shown in a seperate window
ScriptErrorMessages = on
;Do not use Single-Step Mode
TraceMode = off
;No winst-window in foreground while batchmode
StayOnTop = false
;Variable for the OS
DefVar $OS$
Set $OS$ = GetOS
;Variable for the OS-subversion
DefVar $NTVersion$
Set $NTVersion$ = GetNTVersion
;Name of product (max. 12 columns)
DefVar $ProductName$
Set $ProductName$ = "Adobe Flash"
;filename of productpicture with extension
DefVar $ProductPicture$
Set $ProductPicture$ = "Adobe Flash.png"
;the variable for the ExitCode
DefVar $ExitCode$
;show $ProductPicture$ and $ProductName$
ShowBitmap /3 "%scriptpath%\" + $ProductPicture$ $ProductName$
sub "%ScriptPath%\SubUninstall.ins"
==== Uninstall.ins ====
;Variable für den msiexec Aufruf zur Deinstallation
DefVar $UninstallCommand$
;Variable für die jeweilige Version. Wird aus der Registry ausgelesen
DefVar $DisplayName$
;Adobe Flash ActiveX 64-Bit deinstallieren, wenn es in der Registry gefunden wurde
Set $DisplayName$ = GetRegistrystringvalue64("[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{9E25236A-E313-4853-9C8C-DB7015E9F9C4}] DisplayName")
if not ($DisplayName$ = "")
set $UninstallCommand$ = "MsiExec.exe /x {9E25236A-E313-4853-9C8C-DB7015E9F9C4} /qb-! REBOOT=ReallySuppress"
;Adobe Flash Plugin 64-Bit deinstallieren, wenn es in der Registry gefunden wurde
Set $DisplayName$ = GetRegistrystringvalue64("[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{1E4B6678-A507-4B6A-B6C7-FEE55FC0C14C}] DisplayName")
if not ($DisplayName$ = "")
set $UninstallCommand$ = "MsiExec.exe /x {1E4B6678-A507-4B6A-B6C7-FEE55FC0C14C} /qb-! REBOOT=ReallySuppress"
;Adobe Flash Plugin 32-Bit deinstallieren, wenn es in der Registry gefunden wurde
Set $DisplayName$ = GetRegistrystringvalue64("[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{B2883418-71EB-4F63-97AB-222C67E99358}] DisplayName")
if not ($DisplayName$ = "")
set $UninstallCommand$ = "MsiExec.exe /x {B2883418-71EB-4F63-97AB-222C67E99358} /qb-! REBOOT=ReallySuppress"
;Adobe Flash Active X 32-Bit deinstallieren, wenn es in der Registry gefunden wurde
Set $DisplayName$ = GetRegistrystringvalue64("[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{6B393C32-A8CE-4663-9D5B-EA75C8D1233C}] DisplayName")
if not ($DisplayName$ = "")
set $UninstallCommand$ = "MsiExec.exe /x {6B393C32-A8CE-4663-9D5B-EA75C8D1233C} /qb-! REBOOT=ReallySuppress"
Message "Deinstalliere "+$DisplayName$
sub "%ScriptDrive%\install\check_exitcode\check_msi-exitcode.ins"
if ( $NTVersion$ = "Win2K" OR $NTVersion$ = "WinXP" OR $NTVersion$ = "Win NT 5.2" )
Files_Delete_AllUsers_WinNT5x /AllNTUserProfiles
if ( $NTVersion$ = "Windows Vista" )
Files_Delete_AllUsers_WinNT6x /AllNTUserProfiles
;Konfigurationsordner in allen Userprofilen löschen
delete -sf "%UserProfileDir%\Anwendungsdaten\Macromedia\"
;Konfigurationsordner in allen Userprofilen löschen
delete -sf "%UserProfileDir%\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\"
==== OPSI/control ====
type: unicode
name: browsertype
multivalue: False
editable: False
description: Selects if ActiveX should be installed for IE or the plugin for plugin based browsers like Firefox
values: ["ActiveX", "Plugin"]
default: ["ActiveX"]