====== Changing HostParameter via Opsi-Package ====== This is an Example Script for Changing OPSI-HostParameter for a Client via opsipackage. For example you can create an OPSI-PAckage with a set of HostParameter as a template. * WAN Clients * Event_Configuration for different Clients * LoginBlocker on/off * ... * **configId**=YourHostProperty | **for Example:** opsiclientd.event_gui_startup.active * **values**= The Property State| **for Example:** True or False DefStringList $configStates$ .... .... .... set $configStates$ = addtolist($configStates$, "[newmap]") set $configStates$ = addtolist($configStates$, "type=ConfigState") set $configStates$ = addtolist($configStates$, "configId=opsiclientd.event_gui_startup.active") set $configStates$ = addtolist($configStates$, "values= true") set $configStates$ = addtolist($configStates$, "objectId=%opsiserviceUser%") set $configStates$ = addtolist($configStates$, "[newmap]") set $configStates$ = addtolist($configStates$, "type=ConfigState") set $configStates$ = addtolist($configStates$, "configId=opsiclientd.event_gui_startup.super") set $configStates$ = addtolist($configStates$, "values=event_default") set $configStates$ = addtolist($configStates$, "objectId=%opsiserviceUser%") markErrorNumber OpsiServiceHashList_configState_updateObjects if errorsOccuredSinceMark > 0 isFatalError endif [OpsiServiceHashList_configState_updateObjects] "method": "configState_updateObjects" "HashList": "$configStates$" "params": [ ] .... .... ....