This script empty every trash of the system, remove old account listed by AccountsToDelete variable and delete main temp files of every users. Useful when someone complains about "disk space" on a computer shared by several users. But be careful! This script is quite straightforward and is not still fully tested. Put autoit3.exe and autoit3 Include\ dir in CLIENT_CONFIG dir. once.ins: [Actions] DefVar $ProductId$ DefVar $INST_NTVersion$ DefVar $TmpSuffix$ DefVar $AccountsToDelete$ Set $ProductId$ = "cleanup" ; list of accounts to delete separated by a '|' Set $AccountsToDelete$ = "old_user2|old_user1" Set $INST_NTVersion$ = GetMsVersionInfo ShowBitmap "%ScriptPath%\" + $ProductId$ + ".png" $ProductId$ if ($INST_NTVersion$ >= "6") Set $TmpSuffix$ = "AppData\Local\Temp" else Set $TmpSuffix$ = "Local Settings\Temp" endif Message "Remove unused account files. Please wait a while." ExecWith_account "%ScriptPath%\AutoIt3.exe" Message "Purge Trash bins. Please wait a while." DOsInAnIcon_trash Message "Remove tmp files. Please wait a while." ExecWith_temp "%ScriptPath%\AutoIt3.exe" [DOsInAnIcon_trash] rd /S /Q %SystemDrive%\$Recycle.Bin [ExecWith_account] #include Local $AccountsToDelete = StringSplit("$AccountsToDelete$", "|") Local $AccountDir = "%ProfileDir%" $DirList = _FileListToArray($AccountDir, "*", 2) If IsArray($DirList) == 0 Then ;MsgBox(0, "", "No Folders Found.") ConsoleWrite("No Folders Found in dir " & $AccountDir & @CRLF) Exit EndIf For $i = 1 To $DirList[0] Local $CurrentAccount = $DirList[$i] ConsoleWrite("Check " & $CurrentAccount) For $j = 1 To $AccountsToDelete[0] Local $AccountToDelete = $AccountsToDelete[$j] ;ConsoleWrite(":" & $CurrentAccount & ":" & $AccountToDelete & ":" & @CRLF) If $CurrentAccount == $AccountToDelete Then ConsoleWrite(": delete it") DirRemove($AccountDir & "\\" & $CurrentAccount, 1) ExitLoop EndIf Next ConsoleWrite(@CRLF) Next [ExecWith_temp] ; remove only content of temp dir #include Local $ProfileDir = "%ProfileDir%" Local $TmpSuffix = "$TmpSuffix$" Local $DirList = _FileListToArray($ProfileDir, "*", 2) If @error = 1 Then ConsoleWrite("No Folders Found in dir " & $ProfileDir & @CRLF) Exit EndIf For $i = 1 To $DirList[0] Local $CurrentAccount = $DirList[$i] Local $TmpDir = $ProfileDir & "\" & $CurrentAccount & "\" & $TmpSuffix ConsoleWrite("Delete tmp files of " & $TmpDir & @CRLF) Local $FileList = _FileListToArray($TmpDir, "*") If IsArray($FileList) == 0 Then ConsoleWrite(" no tmp file found" & @CRLF) ContinueLoop EndIf ConsoleWrite(" nb of files or folders : " & $FileList[0] & @CRLF) For $j = 1 To $FileList[0] Local $TmpFile = $TmpDir & "\" & $FileList[$j] ;ConsoleWrite(" remove file: " & $tmpFile & @CRLF) DirRemove($TmpFile, 1) FileDelete($TmpFile) Next ConsoleWrite(@CRLF) Next