====== Total Commander ====== Adaptation of the opsi-template scripts for Total Commander. \\ Get it here: http://ghisler.com/download.htm\\ The last year or so I never had the need to use the 32-bit version on a 64-bit OS, so there is nothing implemented in the scripts for this option. Of course you can easily make a product property.\\ I downloaded the x86 and x64 versions seperately. Unpack these with Total Commander, and change the install.inf\\ You might also want to download a few plugins. I use an ISO plugin, a 7-zip plugin, the Imagine (lister) plugin, FTP over SSH plugins and several command-line winrar files.\\ ISO plugin: http://ghisler.fileburst.com/plugins/iso_plugin.zip\\ Imagine 32-bit: http://ghisler.fileburst.com/lsplugins/wlx_imagine.zip\\ Imagine 64-bit: http://ghisler.fileburst.com/lsplugins/wlx_imagine_x64.zip\\ 7-zip plugin: http://ghisler.fileburst.com/plugins/wcx_7zip.zip\\ SFTP plugin: http://ghisler.fileburst.com/fsplugins/sftpplug.zip\\ SSH libraries 32-bit: http://curl.haxx.se/gknw.net/7.34.0/dist-w32/curl-7.34.0-devel-mingw32.zip\\ SSH libraries 64-bit: http://curl.haxx.se/gknw.net/7.34.0/dist-w64/curl-7.34.0-devel-mingw64.7z\\ (why other/newer versions of these libraries do not work - no idea!)\\ RAR 32-bit: http://www.rarlab.com/rar/wrar501.exe\\ RAR 64-bit: http://www.rarlab.com/rar/winrar-x64-501.exe\\ Do not install the rar files, just 'enter' them (ctrl+pagedown) with total commander, and copy the files you need.\\ \\ todo: upon deinstallation/upgrade the ftp settings should not be overwritten, but rather merged.\\ In the install.inf files it states it is version 8.50, apparently I haven't been thorough enough when messing about with these files. This is for 8.51a, the current version (as of 03-06-2014).\\ \\ Tree: |-- files | |-- x64 | | |--openssh | | | |--libeay32.dll | | | |--libssh2.dll | | | |--msvcr120.dll | | | |--readme.txt | | | |--ssleay32.dll | | | `--zlib1.dll | | |--plugins | | | |--wcx | | | | |--ISO | | | | | |--iso.wcx | | | | | |--iso.wcx64 | | | | | `--iso_read.txt | | | | |--7zip | | | | | |--lang | | | | | | |--oldversion | | | | | | | |--catalan.lng | | | | | | | |--chinese_simp.lng | | | | | | | |--czech.lng | | | | | | | |--dutch.lng | | | | | | | |--french.lng | | | | | | | |--italian.lng | | | | | | | |--korean.lng | | | | | | | |--polish.lng | | | | | | | |--romanian.lng | | | | | | | |--slovak.lng | | | | | | | |--slovenian.lng | | | | | | | |--spanish.lng | | | | | | | `--swedish.lng | | | | | | |--chinese_big5.lng | | | | | | |--czech.lng | | | | | | |--danish.lng | | | | | | |--english.lng | | | | | | |--german.lng | | | | | | |--hungarian.lng | | | | | | |--lithuanian.lng | | | | | | |--russian.lng | | | | | | |--spanish.lng | | | | | | `--ukrainian.lng | | | | | |--7z.9.20.sfx | | | | | |--7zCon.9.20.sfx | | | | | |--7zip.ini | | | | | |--7zip.wcx | | | | | |--7zip.wcx64 | | | | | |--lang | | | | | |--license.txt | | | | | `--readme.txt | | | | |--rar | | | | | |--Rar.exe | | | | | `--Rar.txt | | | |--wfx | | | | |--sftpplug | | | | | |--readme.txt | | | | | |--sftpplug.wfx | | | | | `--sftpplug.wfx64 | | | `--wlx | | | `--Imagine | | | |--Language | | | | |--Belarusian.lng | | | | |--Bulgarian.lng | | | | |--Croatian.lng | | | | |--Czech.lng | | | | |--Danish.lng | | | | |--Estonian.lng | | | | |--French.lng | | | | |--German.lng | | | | |--Hungarian.lng | | | | |--Italiano.lng | | | | |--Japanese.lng | | | | |--Korean.lng | | | | |--Nederlands.lng | | | | |--Polish.lng | | | | |--Russian.lng | | | | |--SimplifiedChinese.lng | | | | |--Spanish.lng | | | | |--Svenska.lng | | | | |--TraditionalChinese.lng | | | | `--Turkish.lng | | | |--Plugin | | | | `--Dir.txt | | | |--Imagine.chm | | | |--Imagine.ini | | | |--Imagine.wcx64 | | | |--Imagine.wlx64 | | | |--Imagine64.dll | | | |--Imagine64.exe | | | |--Readme.txt | | | `--Whatsnew.txt | | |--FILE_ID.DIZ | | |--INSTALL.CAB | | |--INSTALL.EXE | | |--INSTALL.INF | | |--INSTALL.LNG | | |--LIESMICH.TXT | | |--README.TXT | | `--TotalCommander.URL | |-- x86 | | |--openssh | | | |--libeay32.dll | | | |--libssh2.dll | | | |--msvcr120.dll | | | |--readme.txt | | | |--ssleay32.dll | | | `--zlib1.dll | | |--plugins | | | |--wcx | | | | |--ISO | | | | | |--iso.wcx | | | | | |--iso.wcx64 | | | | | `--iso_read.txt | | | | |--7zip | | | | | |--lang | | | | | | |--oldversion | | | | | | | |--catalan.lng | | | | | | | |--chinese_simp.lng | | | | | | | |--czech.lng | | | | | | | |--dutch.lng | | | | | | | |--french.lng | | | | | | | |--italian.lng | | | | | | | |--korean.lng | | | | | | | |--polish.lng | | | | | | | |--romanian.lng | | | | | | | |--slovak.lng | | | | | | | |--slovenian.lng | | | | | | | |--spanish.lng | | | | | | | `--swedish.lng | | | | | | |--chinese_big5.lng | | | | | | |--czech.lng | | | | | | |--danish.lng | | | | | | |--english.lng | | | | | | |--german.lng | | | | | | |--hungarian.lng | | | | | | |--lithuanian.lng | | | | | | |--russian.lng | | | | | | |--spanish.lng | | | | | | `--ukrainian.lng | | | | | |--7z.9.20.sfx | | | | | |--7zCon.9.20.sfx | | | | | |--7zip.ini | | | | | |--7zip.wcx | | | | | |--7zip.wcx64 | | | | | |--lang | | | | | |--license.txt | | | | | `--readme.txt | | | | `--rar | | | | |--Rar.exe | | | | `--Rar.txt | | | |--wfx | | | | `--sftpplug | | | | |--readme.txt | | | | |--sftpplug.wfx | | | | `--sftpplug.wfx64 | | | `--wlx | | | `--Imagine | | | |--Language | | | | |--Belarusian.lng | | | | |--Bulgarian.lng | | | | |--Croatian.lng | | | | |--Czech.lng | | | | |--Danish.lng | | | | |--Estonian.lng | | | | |--French.lng | | | | |--German.lng | | | | |--Hungarian.lng | | | | |--Italiano.lng | | | | |--Japanese.lng | | | | |--Korean.lng | | | | |--Nederlands.lng | | | | |--Polish.lng | | | | |--Russian.lng | | | | |--SimplifiedChinese.lng | | | | |--Spanish.lng | | | | |--Svenska.lng | | | | |--TraditionalChinese.lng | | | | `--Turkish.lng | | | |--Plugin | | | | `--Dir.txt | | | |--Imagine.chm | | | |--Imagine.ini | | | |--Imagine.wcx | | | |--Imagine.wlx | | | |--Imagine.dll | | | |--Imagine.exe | | | |--Readme.txt | | | `--Whatsnew.txt | | |--FILE_ID.DIZ | | |--INSTALL.CAB | | |--INSTALL.EXE | | |--INSTALL.INF | | |--INSTALL.LNG | | |--LIESMICH.TXT | | |--README.TXT | | `--TotalCommander.URL | |-- DEFAULT.BAR | |-- wcx_ftp.ini | `-- wincmd.ini |-- delsub3264.ins |-- total-commander.png |-- setup3264.ins `-- uninstall3264.ins In the wincmd.ini there is a Keypath=$ statement. This tells Total Commander to look in the registry for the wincmd.key, and not as a separate file. Look at the Registry_install section of setup3264.ins. Use the supplied wincmdkey2registry.vbs in combination with your wincmd.key and you get a .reg file.\\ This script is also available on the Total Commander forum. The reason we do this is to slightly obscure the wincmd.key so a luser can't just copy the key for his version at home.\\ Home users; do as I did, and get a personal license. It's only 32 euro, and with those iBan bank numbers the bank transfer is free. (they have a German bank account)\\ ==== wincmdkey2registry.vbs ==== If WScript.Arguments.Count > 0 Then Dim strFileIn strFileIn = ReadFile(WScript.Arguments.Item(0)) strFileIn = "REGEDIT4" & Chr(10) & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & Chr(13) & _ "[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Ghisler\Total Commander]" & Chr(10) & Chr(13) & _ Chr(34) & "key" & Chr(34) & "=hex:" & strFileIn WriteFile WScript.Arguments.Item(0) & ".reg", strFileIn End If Function ReadFile(FileName) Dim Stream Dim byteFile Dim strHex Dim I Set Stream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream") Stream.Type = 1 ' Binary Stream.Open Stream.LoadFromFile FileName byteFile = Stream.Read Stream.Close For I = 1 To LenB(byteFile) strHex = strHex & Hex(AscB(MidB(byteFile, I, 1))) If I < LenB(byteFile) Then strHex = strHex & "," End if Next ReadFile = strHex End Function Sub WriteFile(FileName, Content) Dim myFSO, WriteStuff Set myFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set WriteStuff = myFSO.OpenTextFile(FileName, 2, True) WriteStuff.WriteLine(Content) WriteStuff.Close SET WriteStuff = Nothing SET myFSO = Nothing MsgBox "'" & FileName & "' has been written.", 64, "Wincmd.key RegFile Maker" End Sub ==== INSTALL.INF (32-bit) ==== [Installation] program=Total Commander progver=8.50 progvermajor=8 progverminor=5019 progname=Total Commander copyright=Copyright © 1993-2014 by Christian Ghisler, All Rights reserved url=http://www.ghisler.com publisher=Ghisler Software GmbH updatecheck=totalcmd.exe // User for shortcut creation: Blank for current user, * for all users UserName=* [auto] // Set auto=1 for automatic installation, hidden=1 for invisible installer, with parameters below and from [Installation] auto=1 hidden=1 lang=1 alllang=0 iniloc= iniall=1 mkgroup=0 mkdesktop=0 // set userforicons=* for all users, empty=current user, or give user name userforicons= [Versioncheck] Vernum=2 [Not running] 1=WINDOWSCMD,Windows Commander 2=TTOTAL_CMD,Total Commander 3=TTOTAL_CMD.UnicodeClass,Total Commander 4=TApplication,Windows Commander,Windows Commander 5=TApplication,Total Commander,Total Commander 6=TApplication,Totalcmd tool,Total Commander (standalone tool) [Destination] Dir=%ProgramFiles%\totalcmd Ini=wincmd.ini,Configuration,InstallDir [Languages] Count=18 Default=1 1=English 2=Deutsch (German),d 3=Français (French),f 4=Ðóññêèé (Russian),u 5=Nederlands (Dutch),n 6=Dansk (Danish),k 7=Norsk (Norwegian),o 8=Italiano (Italian),i 9=Svenska (Swedish),s 10=Español (Spanish),e 11=Èeský (Czech),z 12=Polski (Polish),p 13=Magyar (Hungarian),h 14=Slovenský (Slovak),y 15=Slovenski (Slovene),l 16=Çѱ¹¾î (Korean),r 17=¼òÌåÖÐÎÄ (Simplified Chinese),c 18=Românã (Romanian),m [locale] 0406=k 0413=n 040c=f 140c=f 080c=f 0c0c=f 100c=f 180c=f 0407=d 1407=d 1007=d 0807=d 0c07=d 0410=i 0810=i 0414=o 0814=o 041D=s 2c0a=e 400a=e 340a=e 240a=e 140a=e 1c0a=e 300a=e 440a=e 100a=e 480a=e 080a=e 4c0a=e 180a=e 3c0a=e 280a=e 500a=e 040a=e 0c0a=e 380a=e 200a=e 0415=p 0405=z 041b=y 0424=l 040e=h 0418=m 0419=u 0412=r 0204=c 0304=c 0404=c 0504=c [LangName] langdir=language 0=wcmd_eng d=wcmd_deu f=wcmd_fra n=wcmd_dut k=wcmd_dan o=wcmd_nor i=wcmd_ita s=wcmd_swe e=wcmd_esp z=wcmd_cz p=wcmd_pol h=wcmd_hun y=wcmd_sk l=wcmd_svn r=wcmd_kor m=wcmd_rom u=wcmd_rus c=wcmd_chn ;Save data the user may have changed! [Backup data] 1=default.bar 2=no.bar [Install] 1=install.cab,c [Installd] 1=install.cab,c [Desktop] 1=totalcmd.exe","Total Commander.lnk [Group] Groupname=Total Commander 1=totalcmd.exe","Total Commander 2=totalcmd.chm","Total Commander Help 3=tcuninst.exe","Uninstall or Repair Total Commander [Groupd] Groupname=Total Commander 1=totalcmd.exe","Total Commander 2=totalcmd.chm","Total Commander Hilfe 3=tcuninst.exe","Total Commander Entfernen oder Reparieren [ini] 1=wincmd.ini,configuration,languageini 2=wincmd.ini,configuration,Mainmenu [inid] 1=wincmd.ini,configuration,languageini,wcmd_deu.lng 2=wincmd.ini,configuration,Mainmenu,wcmd_deu.mnu [inif] 1=wincmd.ini,configuration,languageini,wcmd_fra.lng 2=wincmd.ini,configuration,Mainmenu,wcmd_fra.mnu [inin] 1=wincmd.ini,configuration,languageini,wcmd_dut.lng 2=wincmd.ini,configuration,Mainmenu,wcmd_dut.mnu [inik] 1=wincmd.ini,configuration,languageini,wcmd_dan.lng 2=wincmd.ini,configuration,Mainmenu,wcmd_dan.mnu [inio] 1=wincmd.ini,configuration,languageini,wcmd_nor.lng 2=wincmd.ini,configuration,Mainmenu,wcmd_nor.mnu [inii] 1=wincmd.ini,configuration,languageini,wcmd_ita.lng 2=wincmd.ini,configuration,Mainmenu,wcmd_ita.mnu [inis] 1=wincmd.ini,configuration,languageini,wcmd_swe.lng 2=wincmd.ini,configuration,Mainmenu,wcmd_swe.mnu [inie] 1=wincmd.ini,configuration,languageini,wcmd_esp.lng 2=wincmd.ini,configuration,Mainmenu,wcmd_esp.mnu [iniz] 1=wincmd.ini,configuration,languageini,wcmd_cz.lng 2=wincmd.ini,configuration,Mainmenu,wcmd_cz.mnu [inip] 1=wincmd.ini,configuration,languageini,wcmd_pol.lng 2=wincmd.ini,configuration,Mainmenu,wcmd_pol.mnu [inih] 1=wincmd.ini,configuration,languageini,wcmd_hun.lng 2=wincmd.ini,configuration,Mainmenu,wcmd_hun.mnu [iniy] 1=wincmd.ini,configuration,languageini,wcmd_sk.lng 2=wincmd.ini,configuration,Mainmenu,wcmd_sk.mnu [inil] 1=wincmd.ini,configuration,languageini,wcmd_svn.lng 2=wincmd.ini,configuration,Mainmenu,wcmd_svn.mnu [inir] 1=wincmd.ini,configuration,languageini,wcmd_kor.lng 2=wincmd.ini,configuration,Mainmenu,wcmd_kor.mnu [inim] 1=wincmd.ini,configuration,languageini,wcmd_rom.lng 2=wincmd.ini,configuration,Mainmenu,wcmd_rom.mnu [iniu] 1=wincmd.ini,configuration,languageini,wcmd_rus.lng 2=wincmd.ini,configuration,Mainmenu,wcmd_rus.mnu [inic] 1=wincmd.ini,configuration,languageini,wcmd_chn.lng 2=wincmd.ini,configuration,Mainmenu,wcmd_chn.mnu ==== INSTALL.INF (64-bit) ==== [Installation] program=Total Commander 64 bit progver=8.50 progvermajor=8 progverminor=5019 progname=Total Commander copyright=Copyright © 1993-2014 by Christian Ghisler, All Rights reserved url=http://www.ghisler.com publisher=Ghisler Software GmbH updatecheck=totalcmd64.exe // User for shortcut creation: Blank for current user, * for all users, or give user name UserName=* [auto] // Set auto=1 for automatic installation, hidden=1 for invisible installer, with parameters below and from [Installation] auto=1 hidden=1 lang=1 alllang=0 iniloc= iniall=1 mkgroup=0 mkdesktop=0 [Versioncheck] Vernum=2 [Not running] 1=WINDOW,Total Commander 2=TTOTAL_CMD,Total Commander 3=TTOTAL_CMD.UnicodeClass,Total Commander 4=TApplication,Total Commander,Total Commander [Destination] Dir=%ProgramFiles%\totalcmd Ini=wincmd.ini,Configuration,InstallDir [Languages] Count=18 Default=1 1=English 2=Deutsch (German),d 3=Français (French),f 4=Ðóññêèé (Russian),u 5=Nederlands (Dutch),n 6=Dansk (Danish),k 7=Norsk (Norwegian),o 8=Italiano (Italian),i 9=Svenska (Swedish),s 10=Español (Spanish),e 11=Èeský (Czech),z 12=Polski (Polish),p 13=Magyar (Hungarian),h 14=Slovenský (Slovak),y 15=Slovenski (Slovene),l 16=Çѱ¹¾î (Korean),r 17=¼òÌåÖÐÎÄ (Simplified Chinese),c 18=Românã (Romanian),m [locale] 0406=k 0413=n 040c=f 140c=f 080c=f 0c0c=f 100c=f 180c=f 0407=d 1407=d 1007=d 0807=d 0c07=d 0410=i 0810=i 0414=o 0814=o 041D=s 2c0a=e 400a=e 340a=e 240a=e 140a=e 1c0a=e 300a=e 440a=e 100a=e 480a=e 080a=e 4c0a=e 180a=e 3c0a=e 280a=e 500a=e 040a=e 0c0a=e 380a=e 200a=e 0415=p 0405=z 041b=y 0424=l 040e=h 0418=m 0419=u 0412=r 0204=c 0304=c 0404=c 0504=c [LangName] langdir=language 0=wcmd_eng d=wcmd_deu f=wcmd_fra n=wcmd_dut k=wcmd_dan o=wcmd_nor i=wcmd_ita s=wcmd_swe e=wcmd_esp z=wcmd_cz p=wcmd_pol h=wcmd_hun y=wcmd_sk l=wcmd_svn r=wcmd_kor m=wcmd_rom u=wcmd_rus c=wcmd_chn ;Save data the user may have changed! [Backup data] 1=default.bar 2=no.bar [Install] 1=install.cab,c [Installd] 1=install.cab,c [Desktop] 1=totalcmd64.exe","Total Commander 64 bit.lnk [Group] Groupname=Total Commander 1=totalcmd64.exe","Total Commander 64 bit 2=totalcmd.chm","Total Commander Help 3=tcunin64.exe","Uninstall or Repair Total Commander [Groupd] Groupname=Total Commander 1=totalcmd64.exe","Total Commander 64 bit 2=totalcmd.chm","Total Commander Hilfe 3=tcunin64.exe","Total Commander 64 bit Entfernen oder Reparieren [ini] 1=wincmd.ini,configuration,languageini 2=wincmd.ini,configuration,Mainmenu [inid] 1=wincmd.ini,configuration,languageini,wcmd_deu.lng 2=wincmd.ini,configuration,Mainmenu,wcmd_deu.mnu [inif] 1=wincmd.ini,configuration,languageini,wcmd_fra.lng 2=wincmd.ini,configuration,Mainmenu,wcmd_fra.mnu [inin] 1=wincmd.ini,configuration,languageini,wcmd_dut.lng 2=wincmd.ini,configuration,Mainmenu,wcmd_dut.mnu [inik] 1=wincmd.ini,configuration,languageini,wcmd_dan.lng 2=wincmd.ini,configuration,Mainmenu,wcmd_dan.mnu [inio] 1=wincmd.ini,configuration,languageini,wcmd_nor.lng 2=wincmd.ini,configuration,Mainmenu,wcmd_nor.mnu [inii] 1=wincmd.ini,configuration,languageini,wcmd_ita.lng 2=wincmd.ini,configuration,Mainmenu,wcmd_ita.mnu [inis] 1=wincmd.ini,configuration,languageini,wcmd_swe.lng 2=wincmd.ini,configuration,Mainmenu,wcmd_swe.mnu [inie] 1=wincmd.ini,configuration,languageini,wcmd_esp.lng 2=wincmd.ini,configuration,Mainmenu,wcmd_esp.mnu [iniz] 1=wincmd.ini,configuration,languageini,wcmd_cz.lng 2=wincmd.ini,configuration,Mainmenu,wcmd_cz.mnu [inip] 1=wincmd.ini,configuration,languageini,wcmd_pol.lng 2=wincmd.ini,configuration,Mainmenu,wcmd_pol.mnu [inih] 1=wincmd.ini,configuration,languageini,wcmd_hun.lng 2=wincmd.ini,configuration,Mainmenu,wcmd_hun.mnu [iniy] 1=wincmd.ini,configuration,languageini,wcmd_sk.lng 2=wincmd.ini,configuration,Mainmenu,wcmd_sk.mnu [inil] 1=wincmd.ini,configuration,languageini,wcmd_svn.lng 2=wincmd.ini,configuration,Mainmenu,wcmd_svn.mnu [inir] 1=wincmd.ini,configuration,languageini,wcmd_kor.lng 2=wincmd.ini,configuration,Mainmenu,wcmd_kor.mnu [inim] 1=wincmd.ini,configuration,languageini,wcmd_rom.lng 2=wincmd.ini,configuration,Mainmenu,wcmd_rom.mnu [iniu] 1=wincmd.ini,configuration,languageini,wcmd_rus.lng 2=wincmd.ini,configuration,Mainmenu,wcmd_rus.mnu [inic] 1=wincmd.ini,configuration,languageini,wcmd_chn.lng 2=wincmd.ini,configuration,Mainmenu,wcmd_chn.mnu ==== DEFAULT.BAR ==== [Buttonbar] Buttoncount=0 ==== wcx_ftp.ini ==== [General] ConnectRetries=10 WaitDelay=5 transfermode=I LogFile= FtpInBackground=0 ModeZ=1 AutoResume=30 [default] pasvmode=1 ==== wincmd.ini ==== [Configuration] FirstTime=0 Keypath=$ ButtonBar=0 ShowHiddenSystem=1 Showicons=1 ShowEXEandLNKicons=0 TrayIcon=1 Savepath=0 Savepanels=0 CountSpace=1 CountMarked=0 AltSearch=1 FirstTimeUnpack=0 FirstTimeZIP=0 pluginbasedir=C:\Program Files\totalcmd\plugins [Packer] InternalZipRate=9 RAR=%COMMANDER_PATH%\plugins\wcx\rar\rar.exe [Colors] InverseCursor=1 [Layout] maximized=1 [PackerPlugins] iso=192,%COMMANDER_PATH%\plugins\wcx\ISO\iso.wcx nrg=192,%COMMANDER_PATH%\plugins\wcx\ISO\iso.wcx img=192,%COMMANDER_PATH%\plugins\wcx\ISO\iso.wcx mdf=192,%COMMANDER_PATH%\plugins\wcx\ISO\iso.wcx 7z=223,%COMMANDER_PATH%\plugins\wcx\7zip\7zip.wcx [ListerPlugins] 0=%COMMANDER_PATH%\plugins\wlx\Imagine\Imagine.wlx 0_detect="MULTIMEDIA" [FileSystemPlugins] Secure FTP=%COMMANDER_PATH%\plugins\wfx\sftpplug\sftpplug.wfx [Lister] ShrinkBitmap=2 Maximized=1 CenterBitmap=1 [Tabstops] 0=177 1=179 3=238 4=115 6=528 5=93 AdjustWidth=1 ==== control file ==== [Package] version: 3 depends: incremental: False [Product] type: localboot id: total-commander name: Total Commander description: Total Commander is an orthodox file manager. advice: version: 8.51a priority: 70 licenseRequired: False productClasses: setupScript: setup3264.ins uninstallScript: uninstall3264.ins updateScript: alwaysScript: onceScript: customScript: userLoginScript: [Changelog] total-commander (8.50-1) testing; urgency=low * Initial package -- ICT Thu, 03 Apr 2014 22:02:49 +0000 ==== setup3264.ins ==== ; Copyright (c) uib gmbh (www.uib.de) ; This sourcecode is owned by uib ; and published under the Terms of the General Public License. ; credits: http://www.opsi.org/en/credits/ ; ; License Management removed [Actions] requiredWinstVersion >= "" ;DefVar $MsiId32$ ;DefVar $UninstallProgram32$ ;DefVar $MsiId64$ ;DefVar $UninstallProgram64$ DefVar $LogDir$ DefVar $ProductId$ DefVar $MinimumSpace$ DefVar $InstallDir32$ DefVar $InstallDir64$ DefVar $ExitCode$ DefVar $INST_SystemType$ ;DefVar $INST_architecture$ DefVar $INST_MsVersion$ set $INST_MsVersion$ = GetMsVersionInfo Set $INST_SystemType$ = GetSystemType ;set $INST_architecture$ = GetProductProperty("install_architecture","system specific") Set $LogDir$ = "%SystemDrive%\tmp" ; ---------------------------------------------------------------- ; - Please edit the following values - ; ---------------------------------------------------------------- ;$ProductId$ should be the name of the product in opsi ; therefore please: only lower letters, no umlauts, ; no white space use '-' as a seperator Set $ProductId$ = "total-commander" Set $MinimumSpace$ = "100 MB" ; the path were we find the product after the installation Set $InstallDir32$ = "%ProgramFiles32Dir%\totalcmd" Set $InstallDir64$ = "%ProgramFiles64Dir%\totalcmd" ; ---------------------------------------------------------------- if not(HasMinimumSpace ("%SystemDrive%", $MinimumSpace$)) LogError "Not enough space on %SystemDrive%, " + $MinimumSpace$ + " on drive %SystemDrive% needed for " + $ProductId$ isFatalError ; Stop process and set installation status to failed endif if $INST_MsVersion$ < "5.1" LogError "Windows XP or newer is required for " + $ProductId$ isFatalError endif comment "Show product picture" ShowBitmap "%ScriptPath%\" + $ProductId$ + ".png" $ProductId$ if FileExists("%ScriptPath%\delsub3264.ins") comment "Start uninstall sub section" Sub "%ScriptPath%\delsub3264.ins" endif comment "installing" if ($INST_SystemType$ = "x86 System") ;and ($INST_architecture$ = "system specific")) or ($INST_architecture$ = "both") or ($INST_architecture$ = "32 only") Message "Installing " + $ProductId$ + "..." comment "Start setup program" Winbatch_install_32 Sub_check_exitcode comment "Copy files" Files_install_32 /32Bit Files_install_AllProfiles /AllNtUserProfiles comment "Patch Registry" Registry_install /32Bit Registry_install_AllProfiles /AllNTUserDats comment "Create shortcuts" LinkFolder_install_32 endif if ($INST_SystemType$ = "64 Bit System") ;and (($INST_architecture$ = "system specific") or ($INST_architecture$ = "both") or ($INST_architecture$ = "64 only")) Message "Installing " + $ProductId$ + "..." comment "Start setup program" Winbatch_install_64 Sub_check_exitcode comment "Copy files" Files_install_64 /64Bit Files_install_AllProfiles /AllNtUserProfiles comment "Patch Registry" Registry_install /64Bit Registry_install_AllProfiles /AllNTUserDats comment "Create shortcuts" LinkFolder_install_64 endif [Winbatch_install_32] "%ScriptPath%\files\x86\install.exe" [Files_install_32] copy -s "%ScriptPath%\files\x86\plugins\*" "$InstallDir32$\plugins" copy "%ScriptPath%\files\DEFAULT.BAR" "$InstallDir32$" copy -s "%ScriptPath%\files\x86\openssh\*" "$InstallDir32$" [Winbatch_install_64] "%ScriptPath%\files\x64\install.exe" [Files_install_64] copy -s "%ScriptPath%\files\x64\plugins\*" "$InstallDir64$\plugins" copy "%ScriptPath%\files\DEFAULT.BAR" "$InstallDir64$" copy -s "%ScriptPath%\files\x64\openssh\*" "$InstallDir64$\64" [Files_install_AllProfiles] copy "%ScriptPath%\files\wincmd.ini" "%UserProfileDir%\Application Data\GHISLER" copy -n "%ScriptPath%\files\wcx_ftp.ini" "%UserProfileDir%\Application Data\GHISLER" ; Dit nog aanpassen-> ftp.ini moet gemerged worden! [Registry_install] openkey [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Ghisler\Total Commander] set "key" = REG_BINARY:00 00 00 [Registry_install_AllProfiles] ; Remove stored start menu order deletekey [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\MenuOrder\Start Menu] [LinkFolder_install_32] set_basefolder common_programs set_subfolder Total Commander set_link name: Total Commander target: "$InstallDir32$\Totalcmd.exe" parameters: working_dir: $InstallDir32$ icon_file: "$InstallDir32$\Totalcmd.exe" icon_index: 0 end_link set_link name: Total Commander Help target: "$InstallDir32$\Totalcmd.chm" parameters: working_dir: $InstallDir32$ icon_file: "%Systemroot%\hh.exe" icon_index: 0 end_link set_link name: Uninstall or Repair Total Commander target: "$InstallDir32$\TCUNINST.EXE" parameters: working_dir: $InstallDir32$ icon_file: "$InstallDir32$\TCUNIN64.EXE" icon_index: 0 end_link set_basefolder common_desktopdirectory set_subfolder "" set_link name: Total Commander target: "$InstallDir32$\Totalcmd.exe" parameters: working_dir: $InstallDir32$ icon_file: "$InstallDir32$\Totalcmd.exe" icon_index: 0 end_link [LinkFolder_install_64] set_basefolder common_programs set_subfolder Total Commander set_link name: Total Commander 64 Bit target: "$InstallDir64$\Totalcmd64.exe" parameters: working_dir: $InstallDir64$ icon_file: "$InstallDir64$\Totalcmd64.exe" icon_index: 0 end_link set_link name: Total Commander Help target: "$InstallDir64$\Totalcmd.chm" parameters: working_dir: $InstallDir64$ icon_file: "%Systemroot%\hh.exe" icon_index: 0 end_link set_link name: Uninstall or Repair Total Commander target: "$InstallDir64$\TCUNIN64.EXE" parameters: working_dir: $InstallDir64$ icon_file: "$InstallDir64$\TCUNIN64.EXE" icon_index: 0 end_link set_basefolder common_desktopdirectory set_subfolder "" set_link name: Total Commander 64 Bit target: "$InstallDir64$\Totalcmd64.exe" parameters: working_dir: $InstallDir64$ icon_file: "$InstallDir64$\Totalcmd64.exe" icon_index: 0 end_link [Sub_check_exitcode] comment "Test for installation success via exit code" set $ExitCode$ = getLastExitCode ; informations to exit codes see ; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa372835(VS.85).aspx ; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa368542.aspx if ($ExitCode$ = "0") comment "Looks good: setup program gives exitcode zero" else comment "Setup program gives a exitcode unequal zero: " + $ExitCode$ if ($ExitCode$ = "1605") comment "ERROR_UNKNOWN_PRODUCT 1605 This action is only valid for products that are currently installed." comment "Uninstall of a not installed product failed - no problem" else if ($ExitCode$ = "1641") comment "looks good: setup program gives exitcode 1641" comment "ERROR_SUCCESS_REBOOT_INITIATED 1641 The installer has initiated a restart. This message is indicative of a success." else if ($ExitCode$ = "3010") comment "looks good: setup program gives exitcode 3010" comment "ERROR_SUCCESS_REBOOT_REQUIRED 3010 A restart is required to complete the install. This message is indicative of a success." else logError "Fatal: Setup program gives an unknown exitcode unequal zero: " + $ExitCode$ isFatalError endif endif endif endif ==== uninstall3264.ins ==== ; Copyright (c) uib gmbh (www.uib.de) ; This sourcecode is owned by uib gmbh ; and published under the Terms of the General Public License. ; credits: http://www.opsi.org/en/credits/ ; ; License Management removed [Actions] requiredWinstVersion >= "" ;DefVar $MsiId32$ ;DefVar $UninstallProgram32$ ;DefVar $MsiId64$ ;DefVar $UninstallProgram64$ DefVar $LogDir$ DefVar $ExitCode$ DefVar $ProductId$ DefVar $InstallDir32$ DefVar $InstallDir64$ DefVar $INST_SystemType$ ;DefVar $INST_architecture$ Set $INST_SystemType$ = GetSystemType ;set $INST_architecture$ = GetProductProperty("install_architecture","system specific") Set $LogDir$ = "%SystemDrive%\tmp" ; ---------------------------------------------------------------- ; - Please edit the following values - ; ---------------------------------------------------------------- Set $ProductId$ = "total-commander" Set $InstallDir32$ = "%ProgramFiles32Dir%\totalcmd" Set $InstallDir64$ = "%ProgramFiles64Dir%\totalcmd" ; ---------------------------------------------------------------- comment "Show product picture" ShowBitmap "%ScriptPath%\" + $ProductId$ + ".png" $ProductId$ Message "Uninstalling " + $ProductId$ + " ..." if FileExists("%ScriptPath%\delsub3264.ins") comment "Start uninstall sub section" Sub "%ScriptPath%\delsub3264.ins" endif ==== delsub3264.ins ==== ; Copyright (c) uib gmbh (www.uib.de) ; This sourcecode is owned by uib gmbh ; and published under the Terms of the General Public License. ; credits: http://www.opsi.org/en/credits/ ; ; License Management removed DefVar $UninstallProgram32$ DefVar $UninstallProgram64$ Set $UninstallProgram32$ = $InstallDir32$ + "\TCUNINST.exe" Set $UninstallProgram64$ = $InstallDir64$ + "\TCUNIN64.exe" if ($INST_SystemType$ = "x86 System") ;and ($INST_architecture$ = "system specific")) or ($INST_architecture$ = "both") or ($INST_architecture$ = "32 only") Message "Uninstalling " + $ProductId$ + "..." if FileExists($UninstallProgram32$) comment "Uninstall program found, starting uninstall" Winbatch_uninstall_32 sub_check_exitcode endif ; if not (GetRegistryStringValue32("[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\" + $MsiId32$ + "] DisplayName") = "") ; comment "MSI id " + $MsiId32$ + " found in registry, starting msiexec to uninstall" ; Winbatch_uninstall_msi_32 ; sub_check_exitcode ; endif comment "Delete files" Files_uninstall_32 /32Bit comment "Cleanup registry" Registry_uninstall /32Bit comment "Delete program shortcuts" LinkFolder_uninstall_32 endif if ($INST_SystemType$ = "64 Bit System") ;and (($INST_architecture$ = "system specific") or ($INST_architecture$ = "both") or ($INST_architecture$ = "64 only")) Message "Uninstalling " + $ProductId$ + "..." if FileExists($UninstallProgram64$) comment "Uninstall program found, starting uninstall" Winbatch_uninstall_64 sub_check_exitcode endif ; if not (GetRegistryStringValue64("[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\" + $MsiId64$ + "] DisplayName") = "") ; comment "MSI id " + $MsiId64$ + " found in registry, starting msiexec to uninstall" ; Winbatch_uninstall_msi_64 ; sub_check_exitcode ; endif comment "Delete files" Files_uninstall_64 /64Bit comment "Cleanup registry" Registry_uninstall /64Bit comment "Delete program shortcuts" LinkFolder_uninstall_64 endif [Winbatch_uninstall_32] "$UninstallProgram32$" /7 [Files_uninstall_32] delete -sf "$InstallDir32$\" [Winbatch_uninstall_64] "$UninstallProgram64$" /7 [Files_uninstall_64] delete -sf "$InstallDir64$\" [Registry_uninstall] deletekey [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Ghisler\Total Commander] [LinkFolder_uninstall_32] set_basefolder common_programs delete_subfolder Total Commander set_basefolder common_desktopdirectory set_subfolder "" delete_element Total Commander [LinkFolder_uninstall_64] set_basefolder common_programs delete_subfolder Total Commander set_basefolder common_desktopdirectory set_subfolder "" delete_element Total Commander 64 Bit [Sub_check_exitcode] comment "Test for installation success via exit code" set $ExitCode$ = getLastExitCode ; informations to exit codes see ; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa372835(VS.85).aspx ; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa368542.aspx if ($ExitCode$ = "0") comment "Looks good: setup program gives exitcode zero" else comment "Setup program gives a exitcode unequal zero: " + $ExitCode$ if ($ExitCode$ = "1605") comment "ERROR_UNKNOWN_PRODUCT 1605 This action is only valid for products that are currently installed." comment "Uninstall of a not installed product failed - no problem" else if ($ExitCode$ = "1641") comment "looks good: setup program gives exitcode 1641" comment "ERROR_SUCCESS_REBOOT_INITIATED 1641 The installer has initiated a restart. This message is indicative of a success." else if ($ExitCode$ = "3010") comment "looks good: setup program gives exitcode 3010" comment "ERROR_SUCCESS_REBOOT_REQUIRED 3010 A restart is required to complete the install. This message is indicative of a success." else logError "Fatal: Setup program gives an unknown exitcode unequal zero: " + $ExitCode$ isFatalError endif endif endif endif