====== DomainJoin for Windows XP ====== History: //[[hungerharke@gmx.de|Thomas_H]] 2011/11/11 08:08// (Windows XP unattended.txt) ==== Windows XP unattended.txt ==== **via unattended.txt** (to be found in /opt/pcbin/install/winxppro/custom) Find the section named [Identification] [Identification] JoinDomain = mydomain DomainAdmin = DomainAdminPassword = "password" CreateComputerAccountInDomain = yes DoOldStyleDomainJoin = No **JoinDomain:** it seems *not* to be "mydomain.local" or anything else. If your Windows-Domain is "sillynet" and your opsi-server answers the 'hostname -f' with a "opsiserver.sillynet.local" so nevertheless the windows-domain is "sillynet" without quotations!\\ **DomainAdmin:** This is the account who is allowed to join clients on the PDC (Primary Domain Controller). If you have a special user, who's only allow to join clients so it's more safe.\\ **DomainAdminPassword:** is the password of this administrative account in quotations ("")\\ **CreateComputerAccountInDomain:** should an account be created in the PDC for this client? If so, you will find "user" named (for example) "MyClient$" in the userlist of the PDC (please note: I don't know how it looks like in MySQL, LDAP or comparable - I use passwd. Please edit this if you add this information) Let's say your domain is "sillynet", your administrative account is a user named "JoinDom" and his password is "funnynet". So your [Identification]-Section has to look like this: [Identification] JoinDomain = sillynet DomainAdmin = JoinDom DomainAdminPassword = "funnynet" CreateComputerAccountInDomain = yes DoOldStyleDomainJoin = No **Attention:** Make sure the name of the client follows the directions of the Samba-PDC! Not every client-name accepted by Windows© is also accepted by a Samba-PDC!