====== WSUS Updates Powershell ======
Mit diesem Script werden so lange Updates intstalliert bis keine mehr vorliegen. Die Updates werden nur nach 19 Uhr und vor 7 Uhr installiert um den User nicht an der Anmeldung zu hindern. Aussnahme: Der Rechner wurde neu installiert, dann werden unabhängig von der Uhrzeit alle Updates installiert. Mit dem ONCE Script werden immer alle Updates installiert, unabhängig von der Tageszeit.
Voraussetzungen: Powershell Version >= 4.0
Getestet unter Windows 7 x64 SP1
Logging des Scriptes erfolgt in C:\tmp\windows-update-opsi.log
* install-updates.ps1
* install-updates-once.ps1
* once64.ins
* setup64.ins
* windows_update_icon.png (nur fürs gute Aussehen)
* control
; Copyright (c) uib gmbh (www.uib.de)
; This sourcecode is owned by uib
; and published under the Terms of the General Public License.
; credits: http://www.opsi.org/en/credits/
; comment
requiredWinstVersion >= ""
AutoActivityDisplay = true
StayOnTop = false
DefVar $LogDir$
DefVar $ProductId$
DefVar $MinimumSpace$
DefVar $ExitCode$
Set $LogDir$ = "%SystemDrive%\tmp"
; ----------------------------------------------------------------
; - Please edit the following values -
; ----------------------------------------------------------------
;$ProductId$ should be the name of the product in opsi
; therefore please: only lower letters, no umlauts,
; no white space use '-' as a seperator
Set $ProductId$ = "install-windows-updates"
Set $MinimumSpace$ = "500 MB"
; ----------------------------------------------------------------
if not(HasMinimumSpace ("%SystemDrive%", $MinimumSpace$))
LogError "Not enough space on %SystemDrive%, " + $MinimumSpace$ + " on drive %SystemDrive% needed for " + $ProductId$
; Stop process and set installation status to failed
comment "Show product picture"
ShowBitmap "%ScriptPath%\windows_update_icon.png" "Windows Update"
Files_Install /Sysnative
Message "Installiere Windows Updates. Dies kann mehrere Stunden dauern."
CheckTargetPath = "%Systemdrive%\tmp"
copy -u "%ScriptPath%\install-updates.ps1" "%Systemdrive%\tmp\"
"%SystemRoot%\Sysnative\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -command "& { "%Systemdrive%\tmp\install-updates.ps1"; exit $lastexitcode }"
comment "Test for installation success via exit code"
set $ExitCode$ = getLastExitCode
; informations to exit codes see
; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa372835(VS.85).aspx
; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa368542.aspx
if ($ExitCode$ = "0")
comment "Looks good: setup program gives exitcode zero"
comment "Setup program gives a exitcode unequal zero: " + $ExitCode$
if ($ExitCode$ = "1605")
comment "ERROR_UNKNOWN_PRODUCT 1605 This action is only valid for products that are currently installed."
comment "Uninstall of a not installed product failed - no problem"
if ($ExitCode$ = "1641")
comment "looks good: setup program gives exitcode 1641"
comment "ERROR_SUCCESS_REBOOT_INITIATED 1641 The installer has initiated a restart. This message is indicative of a success."
if ($ExitCode$ = "3010")
comment "looks good: setup program gives exitcode 3010"
comment "ERROR_SUCCESS_REBOOT_REQUIRED 3010 A restart is required to complete the install. This message is indicative of a success."
ExitWindows /ImmediateReboot
logError "Fatal: Setup program gives an unknown exitcode unequal zero: " + $ExitCode$
; Copyright (c) uib gmbh (www.uib.de)
; This sourcecode is owned by uib
; and published under the Terms of the General Public License.
; credits: http://www.opsi.org/en/credits/
; comment
requiredWinstVersion >= ""
AutoActivityDisplay = true
StayOnTop = false
DefVar $LogDir$
DefVar $ProductId$
DefVar $MinimumSpace$
DefVar $ExitCode$
Set $LogDir$ = "%SystemDrive%\tmp"
; ----------------------------------------------------------------
; - Please edit the following values -
; ----------------------------------------------------------------
;$ProductId$ should be the name of the product in opsi
; therefore please: only lower letters, no umlauts,
; no white space use '-' as a seperator
Set $ProductId$ = "install-windows-updates"
Set $MinimumSpace$ = "500 MB"
; ----------------------------------------------------------------
if not(HasMinimumSpace ("%SystemDrive%", $MinimumSpace$))
LogError "Not enough space on %SystemDrive%, " + $MinimumSpace$ + " on drive %SystemDrive% needed for " + $ProductId$
; Stop process and set installation status to failed
comment "Show product picture"
ShowBitmap "%ScriptPath%\windows_update_icon.png" "Windows Update"
Files_Install /Sysnative
Message "Installiere Windows Updates. Dies kann mehrere Stunden dauern."
CheckTargetPath = "%Systemdrive%\tmp"
copy -u "%ScriptPath%\install-updates-once.ps1" "%Systemdrive%\tmp\"
"%SystemRoot%\Sysnative\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -command "& { "%Systemdrive%\tmp\install-updates-once.ps1"; exit $lastexitcode }"
comment "Test for installation success via exit code"
set $ExitCode$ = getLastExitCode
; informations to exit codes see
; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa372835(VS.85).aspx
; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa368542.aspx
if ($ExitCode$ = "0")
comment "Looks good: setup program gives exitcode zero"
comment "Setup program gives a exitcode unequal zero: " + $ExitCode$
if ($ExitCode$ = "1605")
comment "ERROR_UNKNOWN_PRODUCT 1605 This action is only valid for products that are currently installed."
comment "Uninstall of a not installed product failed - no problem"
if ($ExitCode$ = "1641")
comment "looks good: setup program gives exitcode 1641"
comment "ERROR_SUCCESS_REBOOT_INITIATED 1641 The installer has initiated a restart. This message is indicative of a success."
if ($ExitCode$ = "3010")
comment "looks good: setup program gives exitcode 3010"
comment "ERROR_SUCCESS_REBOOT_REQUIRED 3010 A restart is required to complete the install. This message is indicative of a success."
ExitWindows /ImmediateReboot
logError "Fatal: Setup program gives an unknown exitcode unequal zero: " + $ExitCode$
version: 19
incremental: False
type: localboot
id: install-windows-updates
name: Updates für Windows installieren
version: 4.0
priority: -80
licenseRequired: False
setupScript: setup64.ins
onceScript: once64.ins
function Write-Log
foreach ($string in $logstring) {
$nowDate = Get-Date -Format dd.MM.yyyy
$nowTime = Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss
Write-Host $nowDate $nowTime $string
Add-Content -LiteralPath $LogPath -Value "$nowDate $nowTime $string"
function Get-Timewindow
$Now = Get-Date
if (($Now.Hour -ge 7) -and ($Now.Hour -le 19))
Write-Log 'It is daytime. Check if System was just getting installed.'
$InstallDate = ([WMI]'').ConvertToDateTime((Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem).InstallDate)
$OneDay = New-TimeSpan -Days 1
if ((($Now) -$InstallDate) -lt $OneDay)
Write-Log 'OS installation time is not older than 1 day. Windows Updates must be installed. Continue...'
Write-Log 'OS installation time is older than 1 day. Doing nothing because its day.'
Write-Log '***** END *****'
exit 0
Write-Log 'It is night. Continue...'
function Get-Rebootrequired
$objSystemInfo= New-Object -ComObject 'Microsoft.Update.SystemInfo'
$RebootRequired = $objSystemInfo.RebootRequired
if ($RebootRequired -eq $true)
Write-Log 'Need to reboot, rebooting...'
exit 3010
Write-Log 'No need to reboot.'
function Get-InstallerStatus {
$Busy = $true
$lastWriteTimeCBSLos = (Get-Item C:\Windows\Logs\CBS\CBS.log).LastWriteTime
$TimespanOneMinute = New-TimeSpan -Minutes 1
while ($Busy -eq $true)
if (((Get-Date) -$lastWriteTimeCBSLos) -gt $TimespanOneMinute) {
$Busy = $false
else {
Write-Log 'Waiting for Trusted Installer...'
Start-Sleep -Seconds 10
$LogPath = "$env:SystemDrive\tmp\windows-update-opsi.log"
$FirstRun = Test-Path -Path $LogPath
Write-Log '***** START *****'
Write-Log 'Searching for new Updates...'
#GUI bauen
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
$Form = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Form
$Form.Text = 'Windows-Update-Status'
$Form.Width = 430
$Form.Height = 100
$Form.TopMost = $True
$Form.AutoSizeMode = 'GrowAndShrink'
$Form.MinimizeBox = $False
$Form.MaximizeBox = $False
$Form.WindowState = 'Normal'
$Form.SizeGripStyle = 'Hide'
$Form.ShowInTaskbar = $False
$Form.StartPosition = 'CenterScreen'
$Font = New-Object System.Drawing.Font('Arial',12)
$Form.Font = $Font
$Label = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
$Label.Text = 'Suche nach Windows Updates...'
$Label.AutoSize = $True
$Session= New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.Update.Session
$Searcher= $Session.CreateUpdateSearcher()
$SearchResults = $Searcher.Search("IsInstalled=0 and Type='Software'").Updates
if ($SearchResults.Count -eq 0 -and $FirstRun -eq $true)
Write-Log 'No Updates found.'
Write-Log '***** END *****'
$Label.Text = 'Keine neuen Updates gefunden.'
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
exit 0
if ($SearchResults.Count -eq 0 -and $FirstRun -eq $false)
Write-Log 'No Updates found, but it is the first time to search for updates. Reboot!'
Write-Log '***** END *****'
$Label.Text = 'Keine Updates gefunden, neuer Versuch...'
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
exit 3010
foreach ($Update in $SearchResults) {
$TotalUpdateSize = $Update.MaxDownloadSize + $TotalUpdateSize
Write-Log "Found KB$($update.KBArticleIDs), Size: $([math]::Round($($update.MaxDownloadSize/1MB),2).ToString('0.00').PadLeft(6)) MB, Title: $($update.Title)"
Write-Log "Summary: $($SearchResults.Count) new Update(s), $($($TotalUpdateSize/1MB).ToString('0.00')) MB to download."
$Label.Text = "$($SearchResults.Count) neue Update(s) gefunden."
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
Write-Log 'Starting Download...'
$Label.Text = 'Starte Download.'
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
# ProgressBar bauen
$ProgressBarSize = New-Object System.Drawing.Size
$ProgressBarSize.Width = 400
$ProgressBarSize.Height = 20
$ProgressBar = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.ProgressBar
$ProgressBar.Left = 5
$ProgressBar.Top = 35
$ProgressBar.Style = 'Continuous'
$ProgressBar.Value = 0
$ProgressBar.Size = $ProgressBarSize
$ProgressInPercent = 0
$DownloadCount = 0
$DownloadSuccessCounter = 0
$DownloadFailedCounter = 0
foreach ($DownloadItem in $SearchResults)
$Downloader = $Session.CreateUpdateDownloader()
$DownloadItems = New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.Update.UpdateColl
$Downloader.Updates = $DownloadItems
$DownloadResult = $Downloader.Download()
if ($DownloadResult.ResultCode -eq 2) {
Write-Log "Successfully downloaded Update $DownloadCount of $($SearchResults.Count), KB$($DownloadItem.KBArticleIDs), Size: $(($DownloadItem.MaxDownloadSize/1MB).ToString('0.00')) MB, Title: $($DownloadItem.Title)"
$ProgressInPercent = ($DownloadCount / $($SearchResults.Count))*100
$ProgressBar.Value = $ProgressInPercent
$Label.Text = "Download $DownloadCount von $($SearchResults.Count) erfolgreich."
else {
Write-Log "Failed downloading Update $DownloadCount of $($SearchResults.Count), KB$($DownloadItem.KBArticleIDs), Title: $($DownloadItem.Title)"
$ProgressInPercent = ($DownloadCount / $($SearchResults.Count))*100
$ProgressBar.Value = $ProgressInPercent
$Label.Text = "Download $DownloadCount von $($SearchResults.Count) fehlgeschlagen."
Write-Log "Summary: Successfully downloaded $DownloadSuccessCounter Updates, failed to download $DownloadFailedCounter Updates."
Write-Log 'Starting Install...'
$ProgressBar.Value = 0
$Label.Text = 'Starte Installation...'
$InstallCount = 0
$InstallSuccessCounter = 0
$InstallFailedCounter = 0
foreach ($InstallItem in $SearchResults)
$Installer = $Session.CreateUpdateInstaller()
$InstallerItems = New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.Update.UpdateColl
$Installer.Updates = $InstallerItems
$InstallResult = $Installer.Install()
if ($InstallResult.ResultCode -eq 2) {
Write-Log "Successfully installed Update $InstallCount of $($SearchResults.Count), KB$($InstallItem.KBArticleIDs), Title: $($InstallItem.Title)"
$ProgressInPercent = ($InstallCount / $($SearchResults.Count))*100
$ProgressBar.Value = $ProgressInPercent
$Label.Text = "Update $InstallCount von $($SearchResults.Count) erfolgreich installiert."
else {
Write-Log "Failed installing Update $InstallCount of $($SearchResults.Count), KB$($InstallItem.KBArticleIDs), Title: $($InstallItem.Title)"
$ProgressInPercent = ($InstallCount / $($SearchResults.Count))*100
$ProgressBar.Value = $ProgressInPercent
$Label.Text = "Update $InstallCount von $($SearchResults.Count) fehlgeschlagen."
Write-Log "Summary: Successfully installed $InstallSuccessCounter Updates, failed to install $InstallFailedCounter Updates."
Write-Log 'Rebooting...'
Write-Log '***** END *****'
$Label.Text = "$InstallSuccessCounter Updates erfolgreich, $InstallFailedCounter Updates fehlgeschlagen."
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
$Label.Text = 'Neustart des Systems'
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
exit 3010
function Write-Log
foreach ($string in $logstring) {
$nowDate = Get-Date -Format dd.MM.yyyy
$nowTime = Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss
Write-Host $nowDate $nowTime $string
Add-Content -LiteralPath $LogPath -Value "$nowDate $nowTime $string"
function Get-Timewindow
$Now = Get-Date
if (($Now.Hour -ge 7) -and ($Now.Hour -le 19))
Write-Log 'It is daytime. Check if System was just getting installed.'
$InstallDate = ([WMI]'').ConvertToDateTime((Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem).InstallDate)
$OneDay = New-TimeSpan -Days 1
if ((($Now) -$InstallDate) -lt $OneDay)
Write-Log 'OS installation time is not older than 1 day. Windows Updates must be installed. Continue...'
Write-Log 'OS installation time is older than 1 day. Doing nothing because its day.'
Write-Log '***** END *****'
exit 0
Write-Log 'It is night. Continue...'
function Get-Rebootrequired
$objSystemInfo= New-Object -ComObject 'Microsoft.Update.SystemInfo'
$RebootRequired = $objSystemInfo.RebootRequired
if ($RebootRequired -eq $true)
Write-Log 'Need to reboot, rebooting...'
exit 3010
Write-Log 'No need to reboot.'
function Get-InstallerStatus {
$Busy = $true
$lastWriteTimeCBSLos = (Get-Item C:\Windows\Logs\CBS\CBS.log).LastWriteTime
$TimespanOneMinute = New-TimeSpan -Minutes 1
while ($Busy -eq $true)
if (((Get-Date) -$lastWriteTimeCBSLos) -gt $TimespanOneMinute) {
$Busy = $false
else {
Write-Log 'Waiting for Trusted Installer...'
Start-Sleep -Seconds 10
$LogPath = "$env:SystemDrive\tmp\windows-update-opsi.log"
$FirstRun = Test-Path -Path $LogPath
Write-Log '***** START *****'
# Auskommetniert für OPSI-Once-Script
# Get-Timewindow
Write-Log 'Searching for new Updates...'
#GUI bauen
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
$Form = New-Object system.Windows.Forms.Form
$Form.Text = 'Windows-Update-Status'
$Form.Width = 430
$Form.Height = 100
$Form.TopMost = $True
$Form.AutoSizeMode = 'GrowAndShrink'
$Form.MinimizeBox = $False
$Form.MaximizeBox = $False
$Form.WindowState = 'Normal'
$Form.SizeGripStyle = 'Hide'
$Form.ShowInTaskbar = $False
$Form.StartPosition = 'CenterScreen'
$Font = New-Object System.Drawing.Font('Arial',12)
$Form.Font = $Font
$Label = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
$Label.Text = 'Suche nach Windows Updates...'
$Label.AutoSize = $True
$Session= New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.Update.Session
$Searcher= $Session.CreateUpdateSearcher()
$SearchResults = $Searcher.Search("IsInstalled=0 and Type='Software'").Updates
if ($SearchResults.Count -eq 0 -and $FirstRun -eq $true)
Write-Log 'No Updates found.'
Write-Log '***** END *****'
$Label.Text = 'Keine neuen Updates gefunden.'
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
exit 0
if ($SearchResults.Count -eq 0 -and $FirstRun -eq $false)
Write-Log 'No Updates found, but it is the first time to search for updates. Reboot!'
Write-Log '***** END *****'
$Label.Text = 'Keine Updates gefunden, neuer Versuch...'
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
exit 3010
foreach ($Update in $SearchResults) {
$TotalUpdateSize = $Update.MaxDownloadSize + $TotalUpdateSize
Write-Log "Found KB$($update.KBArticleIDs), Size: $([math]::Round($($update.MaxDownloadSize/1MB),2).ToString('0.00').PadLeft(6)) MB, Title: $($update.Title)"
Write-Log "Summary: $($SearchResults.Count) new Update(s), $($($TotalUpdateSize/1MB).ToString('0.00')) MB to download."
$Label.Text = "$($SearchResults.Count) neue Update(s) gefunden."
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
Write-Log 'Starting Download...'
$Label.Text = 'Starte Download.'
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
# ProgressBar bauen
$ProgressBarSize = New-Object System.Drawing.Size
$ProgressBarSize.Width = 400
$ProgressBarSize.Height = 20
$ProgressBar = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.ProgressBar
$ProgressBar.Left = 5
$ProgressBar.Top = 35
$ProgressBar.Style = 'Continuous'
$ProgressBar.Value = 0
$ProgressBar.Size = $ProgressBarSize
$ProgressInPercent = 0
$DownloadCount = 0
$DownloadSuccessCounter = 0
$DownloadFailedCounter = 0
foreach ($DownloadItem in $SearchResults)
$Downloader = $Session.CreateUpdateDownloader()
$DownloadItems = New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.Update.UpdateColl
$Downloader.Updates = $DownloadItems
$DownloadResult = $Downloader.Download()
if ($DownloadResult.ResultCode -eq 2) {
Write-Log "Successfully downloaded Update $DownloadCount of $($SearchResults.Count), KB$($DownloadItem.KBArticleIDs), Size: $(($DownloadItem.MaxDownloadSize/1MB).ToString('0.00')) MB, Title: $($DownloadItem.Title)"
$ProgressInPercent = ($DownloadCount / $($SearchResults.Count))*100
$ProgressBar.Value = $ProgressInPercent
$Label.Text = "Download $DownloadCount von $($SearchResults.Count) erfolgreich."
else {
Write-Log "Failed downloading Update $DownloadCount of $($SearchResults.Count), KB$($DownloadItem.KBArticleIDs), Title: $($DownloadItem.Title)"
$ProgressInPercent = ($DownloadCount / $($SearchResults.Count))*100
$ProgressBar.Value = $ProgressInPercent
$Label.Text = "Download $DownloadCount von $($SearchResults.Count) fehlgeschlagen."
Write-Log "Summary: Successfully downloaded $DownloadSuccessCounter Updates, failed to download $DownloadFailedCounter Updates."
Write-Log 'Starting Install...'
$ProgressBar.Value = 0
$Label.Text = 'Starte Installation...'
$InstallCount = 0
$InstallSuccessCounter = 0
$InstallFailedCounter = 0
foreach ($InstallItem in $SearchResults)
$Installer = $Session.CreateUpdateInstaller()
$InstallerItems = New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.Update.UpdateColl
$Installer.Updates = $InstallerItems
$InstallResult = $Installer.Install()
if ($InstallResult.ResultCode -eq 2) {
Write-Log "Successfully installed Update $InstallCount of $($SearchResults.Count), KB$($InstallItem.KBArticleIDs), Title: $($InstallItem.Title)"
$ProgressInPercent = ($InstallCount / $($SearchResults.Count))*100
$ProgressBar.Value = $ProgressInPercent
$Label.Text = "Update $InstallCount von $($SearchResults.Count) erfolgreich installiert."
else {
Write-Log "Failed installing Update $InstallCount of $($SearchResults.Count), KB$($InstallItem.KBArticleIDs), Title: $($InstallItem.Title)"
$ProgressInPercent = ($InstallCount / $($SearchResults.Count))*100
$ProgressBar.Value = $ProgressInPercent
$Label.Text = "Update $InstallCount von $($SearchResults.Count) fehlgeschlagen."
Write-Log "Summary: Successfully installed $InstallSuccessCounter Updates, failed to install $InstallFailedCounter Updates."
Write-Log 'Rebooting...'
Write-Log '***** END *****'
$Label.Text = "$InstallSuccessCounter Updates erfolgreich, $InstallFailedCounter Updates fehlgeschlagen."
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
$Label.Text = 'Neustart des Systems'
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
exit 3010