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userspace:microsoft_office_2016 [2017/01/14 17:21]
userspace:microsoft_office_2016 [2021/08/23 08:37]
Line 1: Line 1:
-====== Microsoft Office 2016 32-Bit und 64-Bit ====== 
-//Author Dominik Daehn, based on Office 2013 Code by Jens Eppler, based on Office 2010 Code by Soren Birk 
-Dieses Paket installiert Microsoft Office 2010, 2013 und 2016 in der 32-Bit und 64-Bit Version. 
-Das Skript beinhaltet Produkteigenschaften die zur Laufzeit in die config.xml geschrieben werden. 
-Das Setup installiert nur die Produkte die in der Produkteigenschaft “products“ angegeben sind. 
-Das Skript funktioniert für verschiedenen Versionen von Office. Voraussetzung ist die Anpassung der Variablen $OfficeId$ in den Dateien setup.opsicript und uninstall.opsicript. Welche Version von Office Sie einsetzen, können Sie anhand des Installationsmediums feststellen. Dort befindet sich ein Ordner mit dem Namen ”[productid].ww”. Außerdem befindet sich in diesem Ordner die Datei config.xml, in der die korrekte Produkt ID in der ersten Zeile steht <Setup Id =”…”>. 
-Ein Wechsel der installierten Office Architektur ist möglich indem das Paket nochmal auf setup gesetzt wird.  
-Falls auf einem Windows 32-Bit Client die Installation von Office 64-Bit ausgewählt wird, erfolgt automatisch die Installation von Office 32-Bit. 
- * Entpacken Sie die Installationsdateien von Office und kopieren Sie diese in den Ordner CLIENT_DATA\x64 und CLIENT_DATA\x86. 
- * Anpassung der Dateien setup.opsicript und uninstall.opsicript. Hier müssen die Variablen $ProductId$, $ProductName$, $OfficeId$, $OfficeVersion$ editiert werden 
- * $OfficeId$ 
- * "ProPlus" für Office Professional Plus 
- * "Standard" für Office Standard 
- * … 
- * $OfficeVersion$ 
- * "Office16" für Office 2016 
- * "Office15" für Office 2013 
- * "Office14" für Office 2010 
- * Anpassung der Datei OPSI\control 
-This package installs Microsoft Office 2010, 2013 and 2016 in the 32-bit and 64-bit version. 
-In my script I am using some ProductProperties wich are written into a config.xml which is used for the silent installation then. 
-The setup will install only the products wich are selected by the multivalue property “products”. 
-You might be able to also use this script with different versions of Office if you replace the variable $OfficeId$ in the files setup.opsicript and uninstall.opsicript. You can discover your version of Office when you look at the folders on your installmedia. There should be a folder named ”[productid].ww”. To verify this check inside this folder the file named “setup.xml”. The correct product id is shown there in the first lines <Setup Id =”…”> 
-To change the installed Office architecture just set the package to setup again. 
-If the installation of Office 64-bit is selected on a Windows 32-bit client, the setup change to Office 32-bit automatically. 
- * Extract the Office install media to CLIENT_DATA\x64 and CLIENT_DATA\x86 
- * Adjustment of the files setup.opsicript und uninstall.opsicript. The variables $ProductId$, $ProductName$, $OfficeId$, $OfficeVersion$ must be edited. 
- * $OfficeId$ 
- * "ProPlus" for Office Professional Plus 
- * "Standard" for Office Standard 
- * … 
- * $OfficeVersion$ 
- * "Office16" for Office 2016 
- * "Office15" for Office 2013 
- * "Office14" for Office 2010 
- * Use the control file as shown below for OPSI\control 
-**Tested with**: 
-  * OPSI 
-  * Winst 
-  * Windows 7, 64-Bit 
-  * Windows 7, 32-Bit 
-  * Windows 10, 64-Bit with revised install.opsiscript (below) 
-  ├ config.xml 
-  ├ delsub32.opsiscript 
-  ├ delsub64.opsiscript 
-  ├ office2016.png 
-  ├ setup.opsiscript 
-  ├ uninstall.opsiscript 
-  ├ x64 
-    └ ... 
-  └ x86 
-    └ ... 
-==== setup.opsiscript ==== 
-<code winst> 
-; Author Dominik Daehn, based on Office 2013 Code by Jens Eppler, based on Office 2010 Code by Soren Birk 
-requiredWinstVersion >= "" 
-DefVar $LogDir$ 
-DefVar $ProductId$  
-DefVar $ProductName$ 
-DefVar $OfficeId$ 
-DefVar $OfficeVersion$ 
-DefVar $MinimumSpace$ 
-DefVar $InstallDir$ 
-DefVar $InstallPfad$ 
-DefVar $SystemType$ 
-DefVar $OfficeArchitecture$ 
-DefVar $LicenseKey$ 
-DefVar $LicenseRequired$ 
-DefVar $LicensePool$ 
-DefVar $UninstallProgram$ 
-DefVar $UninstCmd$ 
-DefVar $ExitCode$ 
-DefVar $exitcodeActivation$ 
-DefVar $Config_Product$ 
-DefVar $Config_Eula$ 
-DefVar $Config_Log$ 
-DefVar $Config_Reboot$ 
-DefVar $UserName$ 
-DefVar $CompanyName$ 
-DefVar $ACCESSFiles$ 
-DefVar $EXCELFiles$ 
-DefVar $GrooveFiles2$ 
-DefVar $OUTLOOKFiles$ 
-DefVar $PPTFiles$ 
-DefVar $PubPrimary$ 
-DefVar $QueryFiles$ 
-DefVar $WORDFiles$ 
-DefVar $XDOCSFiles$ 
-DefVar $LYNCFiles$ 
-DefVar $ONENOTEFiles$ 
-DefStringList $Products$ 
-; ---------------------------------------------------------------- 
-; - Please edit the following values                             - 
-; ---------------------------------------------------------------- 
-Set $LogDir$          = "%SystemDrive%\tmp" 
-Set $ProductId$        = "office2016" 
-Set $ProductName$      = "Office 2016 Professional Plus" 
-Set $OfficeId$ = "ProPlus" 
-Set $OfficeVersion$ = "Office16" 
-Set $MinimumSpace$    = "3 GB" 
-Set $InstallDir$ = "Microsoft Office" 
-Set $SystemType$ = GetSystemType 
-Set $OfficeArchitecture$ = GetProductProperty("architecture","") 
-Set $LicenseKey$      = GetProductProperty("LicenseKey","") 
-;Variablen zum patchen der config.xml 
-Set $Config_Product$ = '<Configuration Product="' + $OfficeId$ + '">' 
-Set $Config_Eula$ = '<Display Level="basic" CompletionNotice="no" SuppressModal="yes" AcceptEula="yes" />' 
-Set $Config_Log$ = '<Logging Type="standard" Path="' + $LogDir$ + '" Template="' + $ProductName$ + '_Setup(*).txt" />' 
-Set $Config_Reboot$ = '<Setting Id="SETUP_REBOOT" Value="Never" />' 
-Set $UserName$        = '<USERNAME Value="' + GetProductProperty("username", "Valued Customer") + '" />' 
-Set $CompanyName$      = '<COMPANYNAME Value="' + GetProductProperty("companyname", "") + '" />' 
-Set $Products$        = GetProductPropertyList("products","True") 
-Set $ACCESSFiles$      = takeFirstStringContaining($Products$, "Access") 
-Set $EXCELFiles$      = takeFirstStringContaining($Products$, "Excel") 
-Set $GrooveFiles2$    = takeFirstStringContaining($Products$, "OneDrive") 
-Set $OUTLOOKFiles$    = takeFirstStringContaining($Products$, "Outlook") 
-Set $PPTFiles$        = takeFirstStringContaining($Products$, "PowerPoint") 
-Set $PubPrimary$      = takeFirstStringContaining($Products$, "Publisher") 
-Set $WORDFiles$        = takeFirstStringContaining($Products$, "Word") 
-Set $LYNCFiles$        = takeFirstStringContaining($Products$, "Skype") 
-Set $ONENOTEFiles$    = takeFirstStringContaining($Products$, "OneNote") 
-Set $VISIOVIEWERFiles$  = takeFirstStringContaining($Products$, "VisioViewer") 
-; ---------------------------------------------------------------- 
-; The old  comparison [if GetMsVersionInfo < "6"] doesn't work with Windows 10, as the GetMSVersionInfo returns "10.0", which the comparison can't handle properly  
-if CompareDotSeparatedNumbers(GetMsVersionInfo,"6.0") < "0" 
- LogError "This is for NT 6 (Vista) and above" 
- isFatalError 
- ;Die oben ausgelesenen Variablen als PropertyListOption werden zu Strings, die in die config.xml ein- und dem Installer übergeben werden  
- ;Access installieren oder nicht 
- if not ($ACCESSFiles$ = "") 
- Set $ACCESSFiles$  = '<OptionState Id="ACCESSFiles" State="local" Children="force" />' 
- else 
- Set $ACCESSFiles$  = '<OptionState Id="ACCESSFiles" State="absent" Children="force" />'  
- endif 
- ;Excel installieren oder nicht (inkl. Datenbankanbindung) 
- if not ($EXCELFiles$ = "") 
- Set $QueryFiles$  = '<OptionState Id="QueryFiles" State="local" Children="force" />' 
- Set $EXCELFiles$  = '<OptionState Id="EXCELFiles" State="local" Children="force" />' 
- else 
- Set $QueryFiles$  = '<OptionState Id="QueryFiles" State="absent" Children="force" />'  
- Set $EXCELFiles$  = '<OptionState Id="EXCELFiles" State="absent" Children="force" />' 
- endif 
- ;OneDrive installieren oder nicht 
- if not ($GrooveFiles2$ = "") 
- Set $GrooveFiles2$  = '<OptionState Id="GrooveFiles2" State="local" Children="force" />' 
- else 
- Set $GrooveFiles2$  = '<OptionState Id="GrooveFiles2" State="absent" Children="force" />'  
- endif 
- ;Outlook installieren oder nicht 
- if not ($OUTLOOKFiles$ = "") 
- Set $OUTLOOKFiles$  = '<OptionState Id="OUTLOOKFiles" State="local" Children="force" />' 
- else 
- Set $OUTLOOKFiles$  = '<OptionState Id="OUTLOOKFiles" State="absent" Children="force" />'  
- endif 
- ;Powerpoint installieren oder nicht 
- if not ($PPTFiles$ = "") 
- Set $PPTFiles$  = '<OptionState Id="PPTFiles" State="local" Children="force" />' 
- else 
- Set $PPTFiles$  = '<OptionState Id="PPTFiles" State="absent" Children="force" />'  
- endif 
- ;Publisher installieren oder nicht 
- if not ($PubPrimary$ = "") 
- Set $PubPrimary$  = '<OptionState Id="PubPrimary" State="local" Children="force" />' 
- else 
- Set $PubPrimary$  = '<OptionState Id="PubPrimary" State="absent" Children="force" />'  
- endif 
- ;Word installieren oder nicht 
- if not ($WORDFiles$ = "") 
- Set $WORDFiles$  = '<OptionState Id="WORDFiles" State="local" Children="force" />' 
- else 
- Set $WORDFiles$  = '<OptionState Id="WORDFiles" State="absent" Children="force" />'  
- endif 
- ;Skype installieren oder nicht 
- if not ($LYNCFiles$ = "") 
- Set $LYNCFiles$  = '<OptionState Id="LyncCoreFiles" State="local" Children="force" />' 
- else 
- Set $LYNCFiles$  = '<OptionState Id="LyncCoreFiles" State="absent" Children="force" />'  
- endif 
- ;OneNote installieren oder nicht 
- if not ($ONENOTEFiles$ = "") 
- Set $ONENOTEFiles$  = '<OptionState Id="OneNoteFiles" State="local" Children="force" />' 
- else 
- Set $ONENOTEFiles$  = '<OptionState Id="OneNoteFiles" State="absent" Children="force" />'  
- endif 
- ;VisioViewer installieren oder nicht 
- if not ($VISIOVIEWERFiles$ = "") 
- Set $VISIOVIEWERFiles$  = '<OptionState Id="VisioPreviewerFiles" State="local" Children="force" />' 
- else 
- Set $VISIOVIEWERFiles$  = '<OptionState Id="VisioPreviewerFiles" State="absent" Children="force" />'  
- endif 
- if not(HasMinimumSpace ("%SystemDrive%", $MinimumSpace$)) 
- LogError "Not enough space on %SystemDrive%, " + $MinimumSpace$ + " on dirve %SystemDrive% is needed for " + $ProductId$ 
- isFatalError "Not enough space" 
- else 
- if ($OfficeArchitecture$ = "x64") AND ($SystemType$ = "x86 System") 
- set $OfficeArchitecture$ = "x86" 
- comment "change Office architecture to Office x86" 
- endif  
- comment "Display product logo" 
- ShowBitmap "%ScriptPath%\" + $ProductId$ + ".png" $ProductName$ 
- comment "Copying empty config.xml to $LogDir$" 
- Files_copy_patchtextfile 
- comment "Patching config.xml" 
- PatchTextFile_config_xml $LogDir$ + "\config.xml" 
- if FileExists("%ScriptPath%\delsub32.opsiscript") 
- comment "Start uninstall sub section delsub32" 
- Sub "%ScriptPath%\delsub32.opsiscript" 
- endif 
- if FileExists("%ScriptPath%\delsub64.opsiscript") 
- comment "Start uninstall sub section delsub64" 
- Sub "%ScriptPath%\delsub64.opsiscript" 
- endif 
- Message "Installing " + $ProductId$ + " ..."  
- if ($OfficeArchitecture$ = "x86") AND ($SystemType$ = "64 Bit System") 
- set $InstallPfad$ = "%ProgramFiles32Dir%" 
- else 
- set $InstallPfad$ = "%ProgramFiles64Dir%" 
- endif 
- comment "Start setup program" 
- ChangeDirectory "%SCRIPTPATH%" 
- Winbatch_install 
- Sub_check_exitcode 
- if not ($LicenseKey$ = "") 
- comment "Set License Key" 
- DosInAnIcon_set_key 
- set $exitcodeActivation$ = getLastExitCode 
- if not ($exitcodeActivation$ = "0") 
- LogError "Exitcode unequal zero: "+$exitcodeActivation$+" Activation seems to be failed !" 
- isFatalError "activation failed" 
- else 
- comment "Activation seems to be successful: exit code = 0" 
- endif 
- endif 
- endif 
-copy "%ScriptPath%\config.xml" $LogDir$ 
-FindLine "</Configuration>" 
-InsertLine '$LYNCFiles$' 
-InsertLine '$ONENOTEFiles$' 
-InsertLine '$VISIOVIEWERFiles$' 
-InsertLine '$WORDFiles$' 
-InsertLine '$QueryFiles$' 
-InsertLine '$PubPrimary$' 
-InsertLine '$PPTFiles$' 
-InsertLine '$OUTLOOKFiles$' 
-InsertLine '$GrooveFiles2$' 
-InsertLine '$EXCELFiles$' 
-InsertLine '$ACCESSFiles$' 
-InsertLine '$CompanyName$' 
-InsertLine '$UserName$' 
-InsertLine '$Config_Reboot$' 
-InsertLine '$Config_Log$' 
-InsertLine '$Config_Eula$' 
-InsertLine '$Config_Product$' 
-"%ScriptPath%\$OfficeArchitecture$\setup.exe" /config "$LogDir$\config.xml" 
-cscript //b "$InstallPfad$\$InstallDir$\$OfficeVersion$\ospp.vbs" /inpkey:$LicenseKey$ 
-comment "Test for installation success via exit code" 
-set $ExitCode$ = getLastExitCode 
-; informations to exit codes see 
-if ($ExitCode$ = "0") 
- comment "Looks good: setup program gives exitcode zero" 
- comment "Setup program gives a exitcode unequal zero: " + $ExitCode$ 
- if ($ExitCode$ = "1605") 
- comment "ERROR_UNKNOWN_PRODUCT 1605 This action is only valid for products that are currently installed." 
- comment "Uninstall of a not installed product failed - no problem" 
- else 
- if ($ExitCode$ = "1641") 
- comment "looks good: setup program gives exitcode 1641" 
- comment "ERROR_SUCCESS_REBOOT_INITIATED 1641 The installer has initiated a restart. This message is indicative of a success." 
- else 
- if ($ExitCode$ = "3010") 
- comment "looks good: setup program gives exitcode 3010" 
- comment "ERROR_SUCCESS_REBOOT_REQUIRED 3010 A restart is required to complete the install. This message is indicative of a success." 
- else 
- logError "Fatal: Setup program gives an unknown exitcode unequal zero: " + $ExitCode$ 
- isFatalError 
- endif 
- endif 
- endif 
-==== uninstall.opsiscript ==== 
-<code winst> 
-; Author Dominik Daehn, based on Office 2013 Code by Jens Eppler, based on Office 2010 Code by Soren Birk 
-requiredWinstVersion >= "" 
-DefVar $LogDir$ 
-DefVar $ProductId$ 
-DefVar $ProductName$ 
-DefVar $OfficeId$ 
-DefVar $OfficeVersion$ 
-DefVar $InstallDir$ 
-DefVar $SystemType$ 
-DefVar $LicenseRequired$ 
-DefVar $LicensePool$ 
-DefVar $UninstallProgram$ 
-DefVar $UninstCmd$ 
-DefVar $ExitCode$ 
-DefVar $Config_Product$ 
-DefVar $Config_Eula$ 
-DefVar $Config_Log$ 
-DefVar $Config_Reboot$ 
-; ---------------------------------------------------------------- 
-; - Please edit the following values                             - 
-; ---------------------------------------------------------------- 
-Set $LogDir$ = "%SystemDrive%\tmp" 
-Set $ProductId$        = "office2016" 
-Set $ProductName$      = "Office 2016 Professional Plus" 
-Set $OfficeId$ = "ProPlus" 
-Set $OfficeVersion$ = "Office16" 
-Set $InstallDir$ = "Microsoft Office" 
-Set $SystemType$ = GetSystemType 
-Set $Config_Product$ = '<Configuration Product="' + $OfficeId$ + '">' 
-Set $Config_Eula$ = '<Display Level="basic" CompletionNotice="no" SuppressModal="yes" AcceptEula="yes" />' 
-Set $Config_Log$ = '<Logging Type="standard" Path="' + $LogDir$ + '" Template="' + $ProductName$ + '_Uninstall(*).txt" />' 
-Set $Config_Reboot$ = '<Setting Id="SETUP_REBOOT" Value="Never" />' 
-; ---------------------------------------------------------------- 
-comment "Display product logo" 
-ShowBitmap "%ScriptPath%\" + $ProductId$ + ".png" $ProductName$ 
-Message "Uninstalling " + $ProductId$ + " ..." 
-comment "Copying empty config.xml to $LogDir$" 
-comment "Patching config.xml" 
-PatchTextFile_config_xml $LogDir$ + "\config.xml" 
-if FileExists("%ScriptPath%\delsub32.opsiscript") 
- comment "Start uninstall sub section delsub32" 
- Sub "%ScriptPath%\delsub32.opsiscript" 
-if FileExists("%ScriptPath%\delsub64.opsiscript") 
- comment "Start uninstall sub section delsub64" 
- Sub "%ScriptPath%\delsub64.opsiscript" 
-copy "%ScriptPath%\config.xml" $LogDir$ 
-FindLine "</Configuration>" 
-InsertLine '$Config_Reboot$' 
-InsertLine '$Config_Log$' 
-InsertLine '$Config_Eula$' 
-InsertLine '$Config_Product$' 
-==== delsub32.opsiscript ==== 
-<code winst> 
-; Author Dominik Daehn, based on Office 2013 Code by Jens Eppler, based on Office 2010 Code by Soren Birk 
-Set $UninstallProgram$ = "%ScriptPath%\x86\setup.exe" 
-Set $UninstCmd$ = "/uninstall " + $OfficeId$ + " /config " + $LogDir$ + "\config.xml" 
-Message "Uninstalling " + $ProductId$ + " ..." 
-if FileExists("%ProgramFiles32Dir%\" + $InstallDir$ + "\" + $OfficeVersion$ + "\ospp.vbs") 
- comment "The program seems to be installed, starting the uninstallation." 
- Winbatch_uninstall 
- sub_check_exitcode 
-$UninstallProgram$ $UninstCmd$ 
-comment "Test for installation success via exit code" 
-set $ExitCode$ = getLastExitCode 
-; informations to exit codes see 
-if ($ExitCode$ = "0") 
- comment "Looks good: setup program gives exitcode zero" 
- comment "Setup program gives a exitcode unequal zero: " + $ExitCode$ 
- if ($ExitCode$ = "1605") 
- comment "ERROR_UNKNOWN_PRODUCT 1605 This action is only valid for products that are currently installed." 
- comment "Uninstall of a not installed product failed - no problem" 
- else 
- if ($ExitCode$ = "1641") 
- comment "looks good: setup program gives exitcode 1641" 
- comment "ERROR_SUCCESS_REBOOT_INITIATED 1641 The installer has initiated a restart. This message is indicative of a success." 
- else 
- if ($ExitCode$ = "3010") 
- comment "looks good: setup program gives exitcode 3010" 
- comment "ERROR_SUCCESS_REBOOT_REQUIRED 3010 A restart is required to complete the install. This message is indicative of a success." 
- else 
- logError "Fatal: Setup program gives an unknown exitcode unequal zero: " + $ExitCode$ 
- isFatalError 
- endif 
- endif 
- endif 
-==== delsub64.opsiscript ==== 
-<code winst> 
-; Author Dominik Daehn, based on Office 2013 Code by Jens Eppler, based on Office 2010 Code by Soren Birk 
-Set $UninstallProgram$ = "%ScriptPath%\x64\setup.exe" 
-Set $UninstCmd$ = "/uninstall " + $OfficeId$ + " /config " + $LogDir$ + "\config.xml" 
-Message "Uninstalling " + $ProductId$ + " ..." 
-if FileExists("%ProgramFiles64Dir%\" + $InstallDir$ + "\" + $OfficeVersion$ + "\ospp.vbs") AND ($SystemType$ = "64 Bit System") 
- comment "The program seems to be installed, starting the uninstallation." 
- Winbatch_uninstall 
- sub_check_exitcode 
-$UninstallProgram$ $UninstCmd$ 
-comment "Test for installation success via exit code" 
-set $ExitCode$ = getLastExitCode 
-; informations to exit codes see 
-if ($ExitCode$ = "0") 
- comment "Looks good: setup program gives exitcode zero" 
- comment "Setup program gives a exitcode unequal zero: " + $ExitCode$ 
- if ($ExitCode$ = "1605") 
- comment "ERROR_UNKNOWN_PRODUCT 1605 This action is only valid for products that are currently installed." 
- comment "Uninstall of a not installed product failed - no problem" 
- else 
- if ($ExitCode$ = "1641") 
- comment "looks good: setup program gives exitcode 1641" 
- comment "ERROR_SUCCESS_REBOOT_INITIATED 1641 The installer has initiated a restart. This message is indicative of a success." 
- else 
- if ($ExitCode$ = "3010") 
- comment "looks good: setup program gives exitcode 3010" 
- comment "ERROR_SUCCESS_REBOOT_REQUIRED 3010 A restart is required to complete the install. This message is indicative of a success." 
- else 
- logError "Fatal: Setup program gives an unknown exitcode unequal zero: " + $ExitCode$ 
- isFatalError 
- endif 
- endif 
- endif 
-==== config.xml ==== 
-<code xml> 
-==== control ==== 
-version: 1 
-incremental: False 
-type: localboot 
-id: office2016 
-name: Office 2016 
-description: Office 2016 
-version: 1.0 
-priority: 0 
-licenseRequired: True 
-setupScript: setup.opsiscript 
-uninstallScript: uninstall.opsiscript 
-type: unicode 
-name: architecture 
-multivalue: False 
-editable: False 
-description: Architektur der Office Installation 
-values: ["x64", "x86"] 
-default: ["x64"] 
-type: unicode 
-name: username 
-multivalue: False 
-editable: True 
-description: Benutzername 
-values: [""] 
-default: [""] 
-type: unicode 
-name: companyname 
-multivalue: False 
-editable: True 
-description: Firmenname 
-values: [""] 
-default: [""] 
-type: unicode 
-name: licensekey 
-multivalue: False 
-editable: True 
-description: Lizenzkey fuer die Installation 
-values: [""] 
-default: [""] 
-type: unicode 
-name: products 
-multivalue: True 
-editable: False 
-description: Installationsoptionen, was wird installiert 
-values: ["Access", "Excel", "OneDrive", "OneNote", "Outlook", "PowerPoint", "Publisher", "Skype", "VisioViewer", "Word"] 
-default: ["Access", "Excel", "OneNote", "PowerPoint", "Publisher", "VisioViewer", "Word"] 
-office-2016 (1.0-1) stable; urgency=low 
-  * Initial package 
- -- Dominik Daehn <...>  Tue, 5 Jan 2016 
- </code> 
userspace/microsoft_office_2016.txt · Last modified: 2021/08/23 08:37 (external edit)