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userspace:mozilla_firefox_esr [2012/11/17 20:14]
userspace:mozilla_firefox_esr [2021/08/23 08:37] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
-  * **[root]** +**[root]** 
-    * Ordner **"files"**+    * Folder **"files"**
         * **"Firefox Setup 10.0.10esr.exe"** Download URL:         * **"Firefox Setup 10.0.10esr.exe"** Download URL:
-    * **Firefox.png** (160x160 pixel Firefox Logo)+  * **Firefox.png** (160x160 pixel Firefox Logo)
   * **delsub.ins**   * **delsub.ins**
-<file AutoIT>+<file winst delsub.ins>
 ; Copyright (c) uib gmbh ( ; Copyright (c) uib gmbh (
 ; This sourcecode is owned by uib gmbh ; This sourcecode is owned by uib gmbh
Line 170: Line 170:
   * **setup.ins**   * **setup.ins**
-<file> +<file winst setup.ins
-test+; Copyright (c) uib gmbh ( 
 +; This sourcecode is owned by uib 
 +; and published under the Terms of the General Public License. 
 +; credits: 
 +requiredWinstVersion >= "" 
 +DefVar $MsiId32$ 
 +DefVar $UninstallProgram32$ 
 +DefVar $MsiId64$ 
 +DefVar $UninstallProgram64$ 
 +DefVar $LogDir$ 
 +DefVar $ProductCat$  
 +DefVar $ProductId$   
 +DefVar $ProductVersion$ 
 +DefVar $AllUsersDesktopLink$ 
 +DefVar $AllUsersStartMenuDir$ 
 +DefVar $MinimumSpace$ 
 +DefVar $InstallDir32$ 
 +DefVar $InstallDir64$ 
 +DefVar $ExitCode$ 
 +DefVar $LicenseRequired$ 
 +DefVar $LicenseKey$ 
 +DefVar $LicensePool$ 
 +DefVar $INST_SystemType$ 
 +DefVar $INST_architecture$ 
 +Set $INST_SystemType$ = GetSystemType 
 +set $INST_architecture$ = GetProductProperty("install_architecture","system specific"
 +Set $LogDir$ = "%SystemDrive%\tmp" 
 +; ---------------------------------------------------------------- 
 +; - Please edit the following values                             - 
 +; ---------------------------------------------------------------- 
 +;$ProductId$ should be the name of the product in opsi 
 +; therefore please: only lower letters, no umlauts,  
 +; no white space use '-' as a seperator 
 +Set $ProductCat$      = "Internet" 
 +Set $ProductId$       = "Firefox" 
 +Set $ProductVersion$  = "10.0.10" 
 +Set $AllUsersDesktopLink$ = "Mozilla Firefox" 
 +Set $AllUsersStartMenuDir$ = "Mozilla Firefox" 
 +Set $MinimumSpace$    = "200 MB" 
 +; the path were we find the product after the installation 
 +Set $InstallDir32$      = "%ProgramFiles32Dir%\Mozilla Firefox" 
 +Set $InstallDir64$      = "%ProgramFiles32Dir%\Mozilla Firefox" 
 +Set $LicenseRequired$ = "false" 
 +Set $LicensePool$     = "p_" + $ProductId$ 
 +; ---------------------------------------------------------------- 
 +if not(HasMinimumSpace ("%SystemDrive%", $MinimumSpace$)) 
 + LogError "Not enough space on %SystemDrive%, " + $MinimumSpace$ + " on drive %SystemDrive% needed for " + $ProductId$ 
 + isFatalError 
 + ; Stop process and set installation status to failed 
 + comment "Show product picture" 
 + ShowBitmap "%ScriptPath%\" + $ProductId$ + ".png" $ProductId$ + " " + $ProductVersion$ 
 + if FileExists("%ScriptPath%\delsub.ins"
 + comment "Start uninstall sub section" 
 + Sub "%ScriptPath%\delsub.ins" 
 + endif 
 + if $LicenseRequired$ = "true" 
 + comment "Licensing required, reserve license and get license key" 
 + Sub_get_licensekey 
 + endif 
 + comment "installing" 
 + if (($INST_SystemType$ = "x86 System") and ($INST_architecture$ = "system specific")) or ($INST_architecture$ = "both") or ($INST_architecture$ = "32 only"
 + Message "Installing " + $ProductId$ + " 32 Bit..." 
 + comment "Start setup program" 
 + Winbatch_install_32 
 + Sub_check_exitcode 
 + comment "Copy files" 
 + Files_install_32 /32Bit 
 + comment "Patch Registry" 
 + Registry_install /32Bit 
 + comment "Create shortcuts" 
 + LinkFolder_install 
 + endif 
 + if ($INST_SystemType$ = "64 Bit System") and (($INST_architecture$ = "system specific") or ($INST_architecture$ = "both") or ($INST_architecture$ = "64 only")) 
 + Message "Installing " + $ProductId$ + " 64 Bit..." 
 + comment "Start setup program" 
 + Winbatch_install_64 
 + Sub_check_exitcode 
 + comment "Copy files" 
 + Files_install_64 /64Bit 
 + comment "Patch Registry" 
 + Registry_install /64Bit 
 + comment "Create shortcuts" 
 + LinkFolder_install 
 + endif 
 +"%ScriptPath%\files\Firefox Setup $ProductVersion$esr.exe" -ms -ira 
 +;"%ScriptPath%\files\menu.cmd" "$ProductCat$" "$ProductId$" "$ProductVersion$" "$AllUsersDesktopLink$" "$AllUsersStartMenuDir$" 
 +; Choose one of the following examples as basis for your installation 
 +; You can use $LicenseKey$ var to pass a license key to the installer 
 +; === Nullsoft Scriptable Install System ================================================================ 
 +; "%ScriptPath%\Setup.exe" /S 
 +; === MSI package ======================================================================================= 
 +; You may use the parameter PIDKEY=$Licensekey$ 
 +; msiexec /i "%ScriptPath%\some.msi" /l* "$LogDir$\$ProductId$.install_log.txt" /qb! ALLUSERS=2 REBOOT=ReallySuppress 
 +; === InstallShield + MSI===================================================================================== 
 +; Attention: The path to the log file should not contain any whitespaces 
 +; "%ScriptPath%\setup.exe" /s /v" /l* $LogDir$\$ProductId$.install_log.txt /qb! ALLUSERS=2 REBOOT=ReallySuppress" 
 +; "%ScriptPath%\setup.exe" /s /v" /qb! ALLUSERS=2 REBOOT=ReallySuppress" 
 +; === InstallShield ===================================================================================== 
 +; Create setup.iss answer file by running: setup.exe /r /f1"c:\setup.iss" 
 +; "%ScriptPath%\setup.exe" /s /sms /f1"%ScriptPath%\setup.iss" /f2"$LogDir$\$ProductId$.install_log.txt" 
 +; === Inno Setup ======================================================================================== 
 +; You may create setup answer file by: setup.exe /SAVEINF="filename" 
 +; You may use an answer file by the parameter /LOADINF="filename" 
 +; "%ScriptPath%\setup.exe" /sp- /silent /norestart 
 +; Example of recursively copying some files into the installation directory: 
 +; copy -s "%ScriptPath%\files\*.*" "$InstallDir32$" 
 +copy "%CommonDesktopDir%\$AllUsersDesktopLink$.lnk" "%CommonStartmenuDir%\Programme\$ProductCat$" 
 +copy "%CommonStartmenuDir%\Programme\$AllUsersStartMenuDir$\$AllUsersDesktopLink$.lnk" "%CommonStartmenuDir%\Programme\$ProductCat$" 
 +"%ScriptPath%\files\Firefox Setup $ProductVersion$esr.exe" -ms -ira 
 +;"%ScriptPath%\files\menu.cmd" "$ProductCat$" "$ProductId$" "$ProductVersion$" "$AllUsersDesktopLink$" "$AllUsersStartMenuDir$" 
 +; Choose one of the following examples as basis for your installation 
 +; You can use $LicenseKey$ var to pass a license key to the installer 
 +; === Nullsoft Scriptable Install System ================================================================ 
 +; "%ScriptPath%\Setup.exe" /S 
 +; === MSI package ======================================================================================= 
 +; You may use the parameter PIDKEY=$Licensekey$ 
 +; msiexec /i "%ScriptPath%\some.msi" /l* "$LogDir$\$ProductId$.install_log.txt" /qb! ALLUSERS=2 REBOOT=ReallySuppress 
 +; === InstallShield + MSI===================================================================================== 
 +; Attention: The path to the log file should not contain any whitespaces 
 +; "%ScriptPath%\setup.exe" /s /v" /l* $LogDir$\$ProductId$.install_log.txt /qb! ALLUSERS=2 REBOOT=ReallySuppress" 
 +; "%ScriptPath%\setup.exe" /s /v" /qb! ALLUSERS=2 REBOOT=ReallySuppress" 
 +; === InstallShield ===================================================================================== 
 +; Create setup.iss answer file by running: setup.exe /r /f1"c:\setup.iss" 
 +; "%ScriptPath%\setup.exe" /s /sms /f1"%ScriptPath%\setup.iss" /f2"$LogDir$\$ProductId$.install_log.txt" 
 +; === Inno Setup ======================================================================================== 
 +; You may create setup answer file by: setup.exe /SAVEINF="filename" 
 +; You may use an answer file by the parameter /LOADINF="filename" 
 +; "%ScriptPath%\setup.exe" /sp- /silent /norestart 
 +; Example of recursively copying some files into the installation directory: 
 +; copy -s "%ScriptPath%\files\*.*" "$InstallDir64$" 
 +copy "%CommonDesktopDir%\$AllUsersDesktopLink$.lnk" "%CommonStartmenuDir%\Programme\$ProductCat$" 
 +copy "%CommonStartmenuDir%\Programme\$AllUsersStartMenuDir$\$AllUsersDesktopLink$.lnk" "%CommonStartmenuDir%\Programme\$ProductCat$" 
 +; Example of setting some values of an registry key: 
 +; openkey [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\$ProductId$] 
 +; set "name1" = "some string value" 
 +; set "name2" = REG_DWORD:0001 
 +; set "name3" = REG_BINARY:00 af 99 cd 
 +; Example of deleting a folder from AllUsers startmenu: 
 +; set_basefolder common_programs 
 +; delete_subfolder $ProductId$ 
 +; Example of creating an shortcut to the installed exe in AllUsers startmenu: 
 +; set_basefolder common_programs 
 +; set_subfolder $ProductId$ 
 +; set_link 
 +; name: $ProductId$ 
 +; target: <path to the program> 
 +; parameters: 
 +; working_dir: $InstallDir$ 
 +; icon_file: 
 +; icon_index: 
 +; end_link 
 +; Example of creating an shortcut to the installed exe on AllUsers desktop: 
 +; set_basefolder common_desktopdirectory 
 +; set_subfolder "" 
 +; set_link 
 +; name: $ProductId$ 
 +; target: <path to the program> 
 +; parameters: <some_param> 
 +; working_dir: $InstallDir$ 
 +; icon_file: <path to icon file> 
 +; icon_index:
 +; end_link 
 + set_basefolder common_programs 
 + delete_subfolder "$AllUsersStartMenuDir$" 
 + set_basefolder common_programs 
 + set_subfolder "" 
 + delete_element "$AllUsersDesktopLink$" 
 + set_basefolder common_desktopdirectory 
 +  set_subfolder "" 
 + delete_element "$AllUsersDesktopLink$" 
 +; set_basefolder common_programs 
 +; set_subfolder "$ProductCat$" 
 +; set_link 
 +; name: $AllUsersDesktopLink$ 
 +; target: "$InstallDir32$\$ProductId$.exe" 
 +; working_dir: "$InstallDir32$" 
 +; icon_file: "$InstallDir32$\$ProductId$.exe" 
 +; icon_index:
 +; end_link 
 +comment "License management is enabled and will be used" 
 +comment "Trying to get a license key" 
 +Set $LicenseKey$ = demandLicenseKey ($LicensePool$) 
 +; If there is an assignment of exactly one licensepool to the product the following call is possible: 
 +; Set $LicenseKey$ = demandLicenseKey ("", $ProductId$) 
 +; If there is an assignment of a license pool to a windows software id, it is possible to use: 
 +; DefVar $WindowsSoftwareId$ 
 +; $WindowsSoftwareId$ = "..." 
 +; Set $LicenseKey$ = demandLicenseKey ("", "", $WindowsSoftwareId$) 
 +DefVar $ServiceErrorClass$ 
 +set $ServiceErrorClass$ = getLastServiceErrorClass 
 +comment "Error class: " + $ServiceErrorClass$ 
 +if $ServiceErrorClass$ = "None" 
 + comment "Everything fine, we got the license key '" + $LicenseKey$ + "'" 
 + if $ServiceErrorClass$ = "LicenseConfigurationError" 
 + LogError "Fatal: license configuration must be corrected" 
 + LogError getLastServiceErrorMessage 
 + isFatalError 
 + else  
 + if $ServiceErrorClass$ = "LicenseMissingError" 
 + LogError "Fatal: required license is not supplied" 
 + isFatalError 
 + endif 
 + endif 
 +comment "Test for installation success via exit code" 
 +set $ExitCode$ = getLastExitCode 
 +; informations to exit codes see 
 +if ($ExitCode$ = "0"
 + comment "Looks good: setup program gives exitcode zero" 
 + comment "Setup program gives a exitcode unequal zero: " + $ExitCode$ 
 + if ($ExitCode$ = "1605"
 + comment "ERROR_UNKNOWN_PRODUCT 1605 This action is only valid for products that are currently installed." 
 + comment "Uninstall of a not installed product failed - no problem" 
 + else 
 + if ($ExitCode$ = "1641"
 + comment "looks good: setup program gives exitcode 1641" 
 + comment "ERROR_SUCCESS_REBOOT_INITIATED 1641 The installer has initiated a restart. This message is indicative of a success." 
 + else 
 + if ($ExitCode$ = "3010"
 + comment "looks good: setup program gives exitcode 3010" 
 + comment "ERROR_SUCCESS_REBOOT_REQUIRED 3010 A restart is required to complete the install. This message is indicative of a success." 
 + else 
 + logError "Fatal: Setup program gives an unknown exitcode unequal zero: " + $ExitCode$ 
 + isFatalError 
 + endif 
 + endif 
 + endif 
 </file> </file>
   * **uninstall.ins**   * **uninstall.ins**
-<file> +<file winst uninstall.ins
-test+; Copyright (c) uib gmbh ( 
 +; This sourcecode is owned by uib gmbh 
 +; and published under the Terms of the General Public License. 
 +; credits: 
 +requiredWinstVersion >= "" 
 +DefVar $MsiId32$ 
 +DefVar $UninstallProgram32$ 
 +DefVar $MsiId64$ 
 +DefVar $UninstallProgram64$ 
 +DefVar $LogDir$ 
 +DefVar $ExitCode$ 
 +DefVar $ProductId$ 
 +DefVar $InstallDir32$ 
 +DefVar $InstallDir64$ 
 +DefVar $LicenseRequired$ 
 +DefVar $LicensePool$ 
 +DefVar $INST_SystemType$ 
 +DefVar $INST_architecture$ 
 +Set $INST_SystemType$ = GetSystemType 
 +set $INST_architecture$ = GetProductProperty("install_architecture","system specific"
 +Set $LogDir$ = "%SystemDrive%\tmp" 
 +; ---------------------------------------------------------------- 
 +; - Please edit the following values                             - 
 +; ---------------------------------------------------------------- 
 +Set $ProductId$       = "firefox" 
 +Set $InstallDir32$    = "%ProgramFiles32Dir%\Mozilla Firefox" 
 +Set $InstallDir64$    = "%ProgramFiles32Dir%\Mozilla Firefox" 
 +Set $LicenseRequired$ = "false" 
 +Set $LicensePool$     = "p_" + $ProductId$ 
 +; ---------------------------------------------------------------- 
 +comment "Show product picture" 
 +ShowBitmap "%ScriptPath%\" + $ProductId$ + ".png" $ProductId$ 
 +Message "Uninstalling " + $ProductId$ + " ..." 
 +if FileExists("%ScriptPath%\delsub.ins"
 + comment "Start uninstall sub section" 
 + Sub "%ScriptPath%\delsub.ins" 
 +if $LicenseRequired$ = "true" 
 + comment "Licensing required, free license used" 
 + Sub_free_license 
 +comment "License management is enabled and will be used" 
 +comment "Trying to free license used for the product" 
 +DefVar $result$ 
 +Set $result$ = FreeLicense($LicensePool$) 
 +; If there is an assignment of a license pool to the product, it is possible to use 
 +; Set $result$ = FreeLicense("", $ProductId$) 
 +; If there is an assignment of a license pool to a windows software id, it is possible to use 
 +; DefVar $WindowsSoftwareId$ 
 +; $WindowsSoftwareId$ = "..." 
 +; set $result$ = FreeLicense("", "", $WindowsSoftwareId$) 
 </file> </file>
userspace/mozilla_firefox_esr.1353183252.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/08/23 08:37 (external edit)