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userspace:yed [2013/09/09 14:04]
userspace:yed [2021/08/23 08:37]
Line 1: Line 1:
-====== yEd Graph Editor ====== 
-By --- //[[ME_AS]] 2013/09/09 // 
-Nachfolgend meine Skripte zum automatischen Installieren von yEd 
-Bei den ganzen AutoIT Skripten kann man natürlich die Sleep Zeiten am Ende der Skripte auf seine Umgebung anpassen. Ich hab sie hier bewusst höher eingestellt, da der ein oder andere vielleicht noch ältere Rechner einsetzt 
-====== yEd ====== 
-Tested with opsi\\ 
-Tested with WinstVersion >=\\ 
-Tested with Win7 Pro SP1 32/64bit 
-==== Download here ==== 
-==== setup.ins ==== 
-<code winst> 
-requiredWinstVersion >= "" 
-;Variable Logverzeichnis 
-DefVar $LogDir$ 
-Set $LogDir$ = "%SystemDrive%\tmp" 
-;Variable Produktname 
-DefVar $ProductId$   
-Set $ProductId$       = "yEd" 
-;Variable Freier Speicherplatz 
-DefVar $MinimumSpace$ 
-Set $MinimumSpace$    = "100 MB" 
-;Variable Installationsverzeichnis 
-DefVar $InstallDir$ 
-Set $InstallDir$      = "%ProgramFiles32Dir%\yEd" 
-;Variable ExitCodes 
-DefVar $ExitCode$ 
-;Variable für die Ermittlung der Betriebssystem Unterversion 
-DefVar $NTVersion$ 
-set $NTVersion$ = GetNTVersion 
-;Variable zur Ermittlung der Systemarchitektur 
-DefVar $SystemType$ 
-Set $SystemType$ = GetSystemType 
-; ---------------------------------------------------------------- 
-if not(HasMinimumSpace ("%SystemDrive%", $MinimumSpace$)) 
- LogError "Not enough space on %SystemDrive%, " + $MinimumSpace$ + " on drive %SystemDrive% needed for " + $ProductId$ 
- isFatalError 
- ; Stop process and set installation status to failed 
- comment "Show product picture" 
- ShowBitmap "%ScriptPath%\" + $ProductId$ + ".png" $ProductId$ 
- if FileExists("%ScriptPath%\delsub32.ins") 
- comment "Start uninstall sub section" 
- Sub "%ScriptPath%\delsub32.ins" 
- endif 
-;OS-Version ermitteln 
-if ( $NTVersion$ = "Win2K" OR $NTVersion$ = "WinXP" OR $NTVersion$ = "Win NT 5.2" OR $NTVersion$ = "Windows Vista" ) 
-    if $SystemType$ = "x86 System" 
- Sub_Uninstall 
- Winbatch_Install_32 
- Sub_Check_Exitcode 
-    endif 
- if $SystemType$ = "64 Bit System" 
- Sub_Uninstall 
- Winbatch_Install_64 
- Sub_Check_Exitcode 
- endif 
-        LogError "Kein kompatibles Betriebssystem installiert" 
- isFatalError 
-sub "%scriptpath%\delsub32.ins" 
-%scriptpath%\AutoIt3.exe %scriptpath%\yEd32.au3 
-%scriptpath%\AutoIt3.exe %scriptpath%\yEd64.au3 
-Sub "%ScriptDrive%\check_exitcode\check_exitcode.ins" 
-==== uninstall.ins ==== 
-<code winst> 
-;Standard Text, shown during installation 
-Message = Bitte warten, das Produkt wird Deinstalliert 
-;Set Loglevel 
-setLogLevel = 6 
-;Stop when errors 
-ExitOnError = false 
-;Syntax Fehler are shown in a seperate window 
-ScriptErrorMessages = on 
-;Do not use Single-Step Mode 
-TraceMode = off 
-;No winst-window in foreground while batchmode 
-StayOnTop = false 
-;Variable for the OS 
-DefVar $OS$ 
-Set $OS$ = GetOS 
-;Variable for the OS-subversion 
-DefVar $NTVersion$ 
-Set $NTVersion$ = GetNTVersion 
-;Name of product (max. 12 columns) 
-DefVar $ProductName$ 
-Set $ProductName$ = "yEd" 
-;filename of productpicture with extension 
-DefVar $ProductPicture$ 
-Set $ProductPicture$ = "yEd.png" 
-;the variable for the ExitCode 
-DefVar $ExitCode$ 
-;show $ProductPicture$ and $ProductName$ 
-ShowBitmap /3 "%scriptpath%\" + $ProductPicture$ $ProductName$ 
-sub "%ScriptPath%\delsub32.ins" 
-==== delsub32.ins ==== 
-<code winst> 
-Message "Uninstalling " + $ProductId$ + " ..." 
-if FileExists("%ProgramFiles32Dir%\yWorks\yEd\uninstall.exe") 
- comment "Uninstall program found, starting uninstall" 
- Winbatch_uninstall_32 
- sub_check_exitcode 
- if FileExists("%ProgramFiles64Dir%\yWorks\yEd\uninstall.exe") 
- comment "Uninstall program found, starting uninstall" 
- Winbatch_uninstall_64 
- sub_check_exitcode 
- endif 
-%scriptpath%\AutoIt3.exe %scriptpath%\yEd_uninstall32.au3 
-%scriptpath%\AutoIt3.exe %scriptpath%\yEd_uninstall64.au3 
-Sub "%ScriptDrive%\check_exitcode\check_exitcode.ins" 
-==== yed32.au3 ==== 
-<code autoit> 
-;Starte yEd Installation 
-Run ("yEd-3.11_without-JRE_32-bit_setup.exe") 
-WinWaitActive("Setup - yEd Graph Editor 3.11","") 
-;Klicke Button Next 
-;Warten bis Installation fertig ist 
-==== yed64.au3 ==== 
-<code autoit> 
-;Starte yEd Installation 
-Run ("yEd-3.11_without-JRE_64-bit_setup.exe") 
-WinWaitActive("Setup - yEd Graph Editor 3.11","") 
-;Klicke Button Next 
-;Warten bis Installation fertig ist 
-==== yeduninstall32.au3 ==== 
-<code autoit> 
-;Starte yEd Deinstallation 
-Run ("C:\Program Files (x86)\yWorks\yEd\uninstall.exe") 
-WinWaitActive("yEd Graph Editor 3.11 Uninstall","") 
-;Klicke Button Next 
-;Warten bis Deinstallation fertig ist 
-==== yeduninstall64.au3 ==== 
-<code autoit> 
-;Starte yEd Deinstallation 
-Run ("C:\Program Files\yWorks\yEd\uninstall.exe") 
-WinWaitActive("yEd Graph Editor 3.11 Uninstall","") 
-;Klicke Button Next 
-;Warten bis Deinstallation fertig ist 
userspace/yed.txt · Last modified: 2021/08/23 08:37 (external edit)