Thanks to Der-Matze
Comments and improvements welcome
Tested with opsi 4.0.1
Tested with opsi-winst 4.10.x -
Tested with Windows XP Professional
This script uses the check_msi-exitcode script:
Uninstall.ins deinstalls all Versions of Java from 1.5.0.x until
Because of the nesting of the subs, it is not possible to outsource the code in subuninstall.ins
[Initial] ;Standard Text, der während der Installation angezeigt wird Message = Bitte warten, das Produkt wird installiert ;Loglevel einstellen setLogLevel = 6 ;Bei Fehlern abbrechen ExitOnError = false ;Syntax Fehler werden in einem separaten Fenster angezeigt ScriptErrorMessages = on ;Single-Step Mode nicht verwenden TraceMode = off ;Im Batchmode das Winst-Fenster nicht im Vordergrund anzeigen StayOnTop = false [Actions] ;Variable für die Ermittlung des Betriebssystems DefVar $OS$ set $OS$ = GetOS ;Variable für die Ermittlung der Betriebssystem Unterversion DefVar $NTVersion$ set $NTVersion$ = GetNTVersion ;Variable zur Ermittlung der Systemarchitektur DefVar $SystemType$ Set $SystemType$ = GetSystemType ;Name des Produkts (max. 12 Zeichen) DefVar $ProductName$ Set $ProductName$ = "Java" ;Vollständiger Produktname incl. Versionsnummer DefVar $ProductNameFull1$ set $ProductNameFull1$ = "Java 1.6 Update 31" ;Dateiname des Produktbildes mit Erweiterung DefVar $ProductPicture$ Set $ProductPicture$ = "Java.png" DefVar $Executable32$ DefVar $Executable64$ Set $Executable32$ = "jre-6u31-windows-i586-s.exe" Set $Executable64$ = "jre-6u31-windows-x64.exe" ;Die Variable zur Auswertung des ExitCodes DefVar $ExitCode$ ;Prüfen der Winst Version requiredWinstVersion >= "4.11" ;$ProductPicture$ und $ProductName$ anzeigen ShowBitmap /3 "%scriptpath%\" + $ProductPicture$ $ProductName$ ;Anzeigen der Installationsbenachrichtigung incl. des vollen Produktnamens Message "Installiere "+$ProductNameFull1$ ;Freien Speicherplatz ermitteln if not (HasMinimumSpace ("%SYSTEMDRIVE%", "100 MB")) LogError "Nicht genügend Platz auf %SYSTEMDRIVE%" isFatalError endif ;OS-Version ermitteln if ( $NTVersion$ = "Win2K" OR $NTVersion$ = "WinXP" OR $NTVersion$ = "Win NT 5.2" OR $NTVersion$ = "Windows Vista" ) if $SystemType$ = "x86 System" Winbatch_Install_32-Bit endif if $SystemType$ = "64 Bit System" Winbatch_Install_64-Bit endif else LogError "Kein kompatibles Betriebssystem installiert" isFatalError endif [Winbatch_Install_32-Bit] msiexec /i "%SCRIPTPATH%\$Executable32$" /qb-! reboot=reallysuppress [Winbatch_Install_64-Bit] msiexec /i "%SCRIPTPATH%\$Executable64$" /qb-! reboot=reallysuppress
[Initial] Message = Bitte warten, Java wird Deinstalliert setLogLevel = 6 ExitOnError = false ScriptErrorMessages = on TraceMode = off StayOnTop = false [Actions] ;Variable for the OS DefVar $OS$ Set $OS$ = GetOS ;Variable for the OS-subversion DefVar $NTVersion$ Set $NTVersion$ = GetNTVersion ;Name of product (max. 12 columns) DefVar $ProductName$ Set $ProductName$ = "java" ;filename of productpicture with extension DefVar $ProductPicture$ Set $ProductPicture$ = "java.png" ;the variable for the ExitCode DefVar $ExitCode$ ;show $ProductPicture$ and $ProductName$ ShowBitmap /3 "%scriptpath%\" + $ProductPicture$ $ProductName$ ;Variable for the msiexec-call for deinstallation DefVar $UninstallCommand$ ;Variable for the current version. Will be read from registry. DefVar $DisplayName$ ;Stingliste for the different Versions of Java DefStringList $version15$ DefStringList $version16_1$ DefStringList $version16_2$ DefStringList $version16_3$ set $version15$ = createStringList ('01','02', '03', '04', '05', '06', '07','08', '09', '10', '11', '12', '13','14', '15', '16','17', '18', '19', '20', '21', '22') set $version16_1$ = createStringList ('01','02', '03', '04', '05', '06', '07') ;there is no Java 1.6.0 Update 8 or 9 ;there are different Uninstall-Strings betweeen Version 10 and Version 20 (ends with F0) set $version16_2$ = createStringList ('10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17' , '18' , '19' , '20') ;Uninstall String (ends with FF) set $version16_3$ = createStringList ('10','11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17' , '18' , '19' , '20', '21', '22' , '23' , '24' , '25', '26', '27' , '28' , '29' , '30', '31') killtask "java.exe" killtask "javaw.exe" killtask "jqs.exe" for $x$ in $version15$ do sub_patch_uninstall_15 for $x$ in $version16_1$ do sub_patch_uninstall_16_1 for $x$ in $version16_2$ do sub_patch_uninstall_16_2 for $x$ in $version16_3$ do sub_patch_uninstall_16_3 [sub_patch_uninstall_15] ;Java 1.5.0.XX deinstallieren Set $DisplayName$ = GetRegistrystringvalue32("[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{3248F0A8-6813-11D6-A77B-00B0D0150$x$0}] DisplayName") if not ($DisplayName$ = "") Message "Deinstalling "+$DisplayName$ set $UninstallCommand$ = "MsiExec.exe /x {3248F0A8-6813-11D6-A77B-00B0D0150$x$0} /qb-! REBOOT=ReallySuppress" Winbatch_Uninstall sub "%ScriptDrive%\install\check_exitcode\check_msi-exitcode.ins" endif [Winbatch_Uninstall] $UninstallCommand$ [sub_patch_uninstall_16_1] ;Java 1.6.0.XX deinstallieren Set $DisplayName$ = GetRegistrystringvalue32("[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{3248F0A8-6813-11D6-A77B-00B0D0160$x$0}] DisplayName") if not ($DisplayName$ = "") Message "Deinstalling "+$DisplayName$ set $UninstallCommand$ = "MsiExec.exe /x {3248F0A8-6813-11D6-A77B-00B0D0160$x$0} /qb-! REBOOT=ReallySuppress" Winbatch_Uninstall sub "%ScriptDrive%\install\check_exitcode\check_msi-exitcode.ins" endif [sub_patch_uninstall_16_2] ;Java 1.6.0.XX deinstallieren Set $DisplayName$ = GetRegistrystringvalue32("[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{26A24AE4-039D-4CA4-87B4-2F832160$x$F0}] DisplayName") if not ($DisplayName$ = "") Message "Deinstalling "+$DisplayName$ set $UninstallCommand$ = "MsiExec.exe /x {26A24AE4-039D-4CA4-87B4-2F832160$x$F0} /qb-! REBOOT=ReallySuppress" Winbatch_Uninstall sub "%ScriptDrive%\install\check_exitcode\check_msi-exitcode.ins" endif [sub_patch_uninstall_16_3] ;Java 1.6.0.XX deinstallieren Set $DisplayName$ = GetRegistrystringvalue32("[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{26A24AE4-039D-4CA4-87B4-2F832160$x$FF}] DisplayName") if not ($DisplayName$ = "") Message "Deinstalling "+$DisplayName$ set $UninstallCommand$ = "MsiExec.exe /x {26A24AE4-039D-4CA4-87B4-2F832160$x$FF} /qb-! REBOOT=ReallySuppress" Winbatch_Uninstall sub "%ScriptDrive%\install\check_exitcode\check_msi-exitcode.ins" endif