This is an example of a JSON-RPC send from Ruby code.
Use gem to install json first.
gem install json
This is an example for a json-rpc in Ruby. Change test:w00t to match a valid user and password and opsi-server to your opsiconfd-server.
require 'net/http' require 'uri' require 'json' require 'openssl' class OpsiRPC def initialize(service_url) @uri = URI.parse(service_url) end def method_missing(name, *args) post_body = { 'method' => name, 'params' => args, 'id' => 'jsonrpc' }.to_json resp = JSON.parse( http_post_request(post_body) ) raise JSONRPCError, resp['error'] if resp['error'] resp['result'] end def http_post_request(post_body) http =, @uri.port) http.use_ssl = true http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE request = request.basic_auth(@uri.user, @uri.password) request.content_type = 'application/json' request.body = post_body http.request(request).body end class JSONRPCError < RuntimeError; end end opsirpc ='https://test:w00t@opsi-server:4447/rpc') # Examples: # Show all product ids opsirpc.product_getObjects.each do |product| puts product['id'] end # Query only particular fields ( "type" in this example ) # ( attributes: ) opsirpc.product_getObjects("type").each do |result| puts result end # Get products where packageVersion=2.1 # ( filter: ) opsirpc.product_getObjects([],packageVersion:"2.1").each do |result| puts result end # Install Y where X is installed opsirpc.productOnClient_getHashes(['clientId'], {productId: 'X', installationStatus: "installed"}).each do |match| opsirpc.setProductActionRequestWithDependencies('Y', match['clientId'], 'setup') end